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How to Dress for a Wedding in Summer 2024, for the Men Who Matter: Dressing Lessons for Your Big Day from Fashion-Fashioning Celebrities Jeremy Allen White, Timothe Chalamet and Matthew McConaughey

How to Dress for a Wedding in Summer 2024, for the Men Who Matter: Dressing Lessons for Your Big Day from Fashion-Fashioning Celebrities Jeremy Allen White, Timothe Chalamet and Matthew McConaughey


A well-organized and well-tailored ensemble naturally makes all the difference in the groom's appearance. Yet with so many sumptuous pieces on the market, it can be a mind-boggling ordeal to narrow down the number of brands offering wedding attire for men wanting to look not only stylish, but also fashion-forward.

When it comes to selecting a suit or tuxedo suitable for your big day, focus on designs that display your own sense of style. This is best achieved through the bespoke services offered by some of the world's leading tailors. For example, Clothsurgeon, a cult London brand whose A-list fans include Riz Ahmed, Lewis Hamilton, Drake and A$AP Rocky, is the first bespoke streetwear boutique to open on the city's legendary Savile Row and gives an entirely contemporary touch to his creations. the streets are rich in sewing traditions.

Dior Homme Celebration(s) Tuxedo

Founded by Rav Matharu in 2012, the brand offers menswear created to exacting standards using fabrics sourced from around the world. However, if you're looking for a more formal approach, Richard Anderson, a Savile Row staple since 2001, with clients including Ian McKellen, Bryan Ferry and the late George Michael, is your choice, combining centuries of tradition with sleek style , elongated cut in its iconic one-button house style.

Jacquemus Collection The Wedding

It's not just famous fashion houses offering high-end suits, mind you. Dior has its own line of men's wedding wear called Celebration(s), which includes tuxedos, cufflinks, derby shoes and essential accessories like pocket squares, ties and shiny silk cummerbunds. The brand's classic-fit tuxedo is ideal for those looking for a timeless cut in sanded virgin wool with elegant details like satin-covered buttons and trouser inserts.

Favorbrook Groomsmen Set
King of Quiet Luxury Brunello Cucinellimeanwhile, offers a typically Italian take on wedding wear with jackets and trousers in luxurious linen, cashmere and cotton twill, while Célines' offering stands out with pinstripe designs and flashy crystal embellishments .
Torsade de Chaumet brooch and ring

Is the suit nailed? Then it's time to think about which shirt to pair it with. Whether you prefer to keep it simple or have a penchant for experimentation, don't be afraid to inject color into your wedding look with shirts in bright or pastel hues. Brands like Gucci, Ralph Lauren and Prada offer wearable pieces like Oxfords and camp-collar styles that are full of personality thanks to their bright prints and eye-catching geometric patterns. Elsewhere, Favourbrook, established in 1990, adds texture to its dress shirts with ruffles and pleats in unusual hues like burnt orange, ivory and dusk pink.

Jeremy Allen White's outfit for the Screen Actors Guild Awards in February showed brides and grooms-to-be how to best accessorize, and other red carpet A-listers are hosting more style lessons. Photo: Getty Images
To elevate your wedding look even more, take notes from trendsetters like Jeremy Allen White has a lot of taste for tomorrow after his star stint as a chef in The bear and Timothe Chalamet, who incorporated bejeweled brooches into their red carpet suit. For the big day, take an icy approach with classic white diamonds like Chaumet's dazzling spiral Torsade de Chaumet brooch or Tiffany & Co.'s Bird on a Rock, worn by White at the Screen Actors Guild Awards earlier this year.
Matthew McConaughey wore a Cindy Chao ribbon brooch to the Oscars in March. Photo: Getty Images

Alternatively, a strategically placed colored ruby, emerald, sapphire or diamond is sure to up your wedding day game, like those designed by Cindy Chao, who recently dressed actor Matthew McConaughey at the Oscars with a brooch sculptural ribbon set with a 3.34-carat fancy vivid yellow diamond at its center. Or, if you're more obsessed with antiques, go for something vintage. Chalamet gave the archival brooch trend his stamp of approval in 2020 when he wore a vintage Cartier piece from 1955, bedazzled with rubies and diamonds, on the Oscars red carpet.

Manolo Blahnik Carlton loafers

Once you've chosen the perfect suit, shirt and accessories, shoes are the final consideration. When it comes to formal shoe styles suitable for a wedding, the options are numerous, but we recommend legendary designer Manolo Blahnik. Available in suede or velvet in a luxurious brown, black or midnight blue, the British brand's Carlton loafers are topped with a sparkling square crystal buckle and trimmed with grosgrain ribbon for a stylish finish. The Manolo lace-up shoes, meanwhile, are perfect for elevating a casual outfit without looking out of place in a two-tone monochrome finish.

Above all, when it comes to wedding day attire, stay true to your style and always prioritize quality. A wedding may only last a day, but these investment-worthy pieces will be cherished for a lifetime.




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