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COOFANDY celebrates nine years of modern menswear

COOFANDY celebrates nine years of modern menswear


COOFANDY celebrates nine years of modern menswear

COOFANDY celebrates nine years of modern menswear

PR newswire

NEW YORK, June 4, 2024

NEW YORK, June 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — COOFANDY, the designer brand of modern men's essentials, recently marked a milestone by celebrating its ninth anniversary with exciting events and promotions. The celebrations not only honored the brand’s journey, showed its appreciation for its loyal customer base, but also reinforced its commitment to sustainability and customer satisfaction.

In a spectacular display of creativity and brand visibility, COOFANDY took over New York's Times Square from May 20-30 with captivating commercials that not only attracted a crowd of dedicated fans for a memorable recording experience, but also presented the brand philosophy for a global audience. This iconic location served as the perfect backdrop to showcase the COOFANDY brand philosophy, “Simplifying stylish outfits and quality of life.”

The festivities didn't stop in Times Square. COOFANDY also expressed its gratitude and celebration online and on Amazon with various promotional offers. These exclusive offers and discounts were a token of appreciation for the continued support and loyalty shown by customers over the years.

Another highlight of the anniversary celebration was the presentation of The COOFANDY eco collection, offering meticulously designed clothing with responsibly sourced and recycled materials. In a bid to encourage consumers to make more eco-friendly choices, COOFANDY has offered a 30% discount on this special collection during the celebration period. This initiative reflects the brand's vision to promote a more sustainable lifestyle and fashion industry.

COOFANDY expresses its sincere gratitude to all those who have participated in its journey and look to the future with optimism and enthusiasm. The brand remains committed to delivering exceptional fashion experiences while championing sustainability and customer satisfaction. As it enters its tenth year, COOFANDY continues to evolve and inspire forward-thinking people around the world.


Established in 2015, COOFANDY is a brand that offers a versatile range of essential men's clothing suitable for everyday use. The collection includes dress shirts, suits, casual T-shirts, party tuxedos and beachwear. COOFANDY aims to simplify its customers' shopping experience by providing an efficient and hassle-free platform to find the perfect garment. The main aim of the brand is to boost your confidence by providing you with high-quality clothing at an affordable price. COOFANDY is dedicated to offering the best possible fashion range to its customers.

For more information, please visit COOFANDY website And Amazon Showcaseor connect with COOFANDY on Facebook And Instagram.

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