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Rihanna wore a long dress, I'm retired, by designer Conner Ives

Rihanna wore a long dress, I'm retired, by designer Conner Ives


Longtime Rihanna fans know that the pop icon hasn't released a new album in seven years. Of course, she's since released a few chart-topping singles and collaborations (think Lift Me Up on the Wakanda forever soundtrack), but the last time we had the chance to get a full project from RiRi was with her 2016 album, ANTI. While his devoted fan base has held out hope for new music over the past seven years, it's possible that the multi-hyphenate has confirmed our worst fears. On June 6, Rihanna made a custom maxi dress by New York designer Conner Ives, emblazoned with the words I'm Retired in bold letters.

There's no doubt that Rihanna's street style moments always make headlines, but this custom look might just be her busiest of the year (so far). During a midday stroll with A$AP Rocky, the star was photographed by paparazzi in the aforementioned Connor Ives creation, featuring a navy mermaid floor-length skirt paired with the brighter blue graphic tee . His comfy T-shirt had the phrase “I’m retired” on it. It's as dressy as it gets, which is a vintage design from Peacock Papersa Boston-based label active in the 80s and 90s. The overall RiRis dress was a reinterpretation of Ives long t-shirt dress from her Spring/Summer 2024 collection. From there, she stayed true to herself with her accessories, starting with an archival lime green Bottega Veneta handbag and red sneakers from Puma, an appropriate selection for the brand's global ambassador. The Grammy winner added some bling to her final cut via an assortment of layered chevron necklaces and Vintage blue rimless sunglasses from Dior.

Fernando Ramales / BACKGROUND

In case you haven't ordered from any of her three brands (soon to be four thanks to Fenty Hair), allow us to point out that Rihanna is rubbish. but retired. Between Fenty Beauty, Savage X Fenty, Fenty Skin, her multi-year collaboration with Puma, and more, the fashion muse is certainly booked and busy. This is exactly what leads fans to believe that this landmark EP refers to his musical career. Ives himself even escaped the Easter egg with his Instagram caption, Always send messages ;). The comments section on the creators' IG post is full of concerned RiRi fans, with one follower saying: Wait, does this mean she doesn't make music anymore? while another commenter shared, Fine Well is just asking RZA and Riot for the album. Fingers crossed OOTD was just a prank.

Now, don't be too discouraged by Rihanna's sartorial message. A little over a month ago, she gave details about her potential ninth studio album. At a Fenty Beauty party on April 27, she shared with Additional that his new music is going to be amazing. That must be the only reason it hasn't been released yet. So don't lose hope. Keep manifesting RiRi's new music, and in the meantime, channel her latest set with the selection below.




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