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why are dogs dominating fashion right now?

why are dogs dominating fashion right now?


I have this dog in me, and he carries it Louis Vuitton Men's pre-collection SS25 by Pharrell.

It's been a good few months for stylish dog walkers, given that almost every high fashion brand seems to have abandoned a dog-focused campaign and we think we know why. You've heard of DINKs, the acronym describing dual-income couples without children, right? Well, that's why fashions have recently developed an obsession with canine companions.

As our generation trades in having children for adopting pets, they're investing more time, love and money into breeding dogs, and brands are taking notice. From Burberry Corgi to Valentino Afghan Hound, here are some of the best dog campaigns we've seen recently.

Louis Vuitton runs with the peloton
Louis Vuitton

Just this week Louis Vuitton Mens revealed its pre-collection for SS25 in a countryside with not one, not two, but many dogs. In an ode to stylish dog owners, the campaign not only revealed Pharrell's latest clothing offering for the brand, but it also revealed LV's first-ever range of dog accessories, in the form of the Louis Vuitton canine collection. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?

Cult dogs took a walk in Valentino
Annie Reid for CULTÉ

Last month we invited a few canine companions for a dog walk through the new Valentino store on London's Sloane Street. Our campaign with the House used two chihuahuas and an Afghan hound to present its new flagship product, where Valentino's four-legged friends were photographed posing alongside Valentino Garavani accessories against the backdrop of the store's soft red carpet.

Culted has learned a new trick at Burberry x Harrods Corgi

Last February, we partnered with Burberry to launch the brand's furry mascot – the Corgi – into Harrods' takeover of the London-based store, uniting the iconic British brand with a quintessentially British dog. The campaign outfitted our Corgi with a camera-mounted safety harness, giving the dogs the POV of the Burberry x Harrods takeover.

Jacquemus and Jennie started partying under the collar

last Christmas, Jacques enlisted from BLACKPINK Jenny appear in his 2023 Holiday Campaign alongside some furry co-stars. The shoot featured Jennie and an array of canine models wearing matching shoes, taking selfies and getting their hair dried – when we say I have that guy in me, we were talking about the one who dried Jennies' hair.

CELINE's ode to man's best friend

The CELINEs Creative Director Hédi Slimane is a dog lover himself, as proven by this December 2023 campaign inspired by his own muse, Elvis. For his second CELINE dog collection, he brought in a team of different dogs to model the collars, blankets, leashes and more (some of which were actually royal dogs, owned by HRH Caroline and HRH Alexandra of Hanover) to model necklaces, CELINE blankets. , trails and much more.

Bottega sent Kendall on walkie for SS24
Bottega Veneta

Bottega Venetas Iconic paparazzi campaigns never fail to grab our attention, but they put a dog in it and its next level. This is why this shoot with Kendall Jenner and Pyro (that's the dog's name) has been living rent-free in our minds since it dropped in December of last year. Real dog walkers know, however, that you don't take your dog out in Bottega.

I'm looking to fetch in Sandy Liang x Little Beast
Sandy Liang x Little Beast

Last November, Sandy Liang abandoned a collaboration with Tiny beast, the lifestyle brand specializing in clothing for dogs, and was accompanied by a campaign featuring a few four-legged models (naturally). From floral sweaters to bow-tie puffer jackets, designer dog clothes are every pet owner's weakness.

Featured image via Louis Vuitton

Learn more about Culted

See: A morning stroll through the new Valentinos boutique in Sloane Square

See: We took a Corgi to sniff out the new Burberry x Harrods takeover




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