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Princess Eugenie breaks wedding protocol – see thigh-slit dress that breaks the rules

Princess Eugenie breaks wedding protocol – see thigh-slit dress that breaks the rules


Princess Eugenie joined her cousin, Prince William, at the Duke of Westminster's wedding in Cheshire on Friday.

For the ceremony, the princess chose to wear a silky green dress fit for a wedding, but ahead of the evening's celebration, the royal donned an outfit that might have raised eyebrows.

The royal waved to the crowd gathered outside© Getty
The royal waved to the crowd gathered outside

Princess Eugenie's evening outfit

Sarah Ferguson's daughter pulled out all the stops when it came to her outfit for the evening, switching from her pastel-hued dress to a black dress that might surprise wedding outfit experts, as black is a guest color . often dissuaded from wearing it.

Princess Eugenie leaves for the evening of the Duke of Westminster's wedding to Olivia Henson at Chester Cathedral, Chester, United Kingdom, June 7, 2024.© James Whatling
Princess Eugenie wore gold shoes for this special occasion

Princess Eugenie certainly looked stunning in her second outfit, with the black dress featuring delicate floral embroidery and a daring thigh-high slit, but black is an unorthodox color for weddings, mainly due to the dark associations this nuance present.

Of course, wearing black isn't as frowned upon as wearing something white, but followers of tradition were probably perplexed by the royal's choice, especially since her fellow guests chose yellow dresses pastel and rainbow.

Princess Eugenie leaves for the evening of the Duke of Westminster's wedding to Olivia Henson at Chester Cathedral, Chester, United Kingdom, June 7, 2024.© James Whatling
Princess Eugenie's dress was ultra glamorous

GOOD MORNING! spoke exclusively to a wedding guest, who told us an outfit change was encouraged. “We had to prepare outfit changes for the reception,” they revealed. “I had five different outfits to choose from and I didn’t know what I was going to wear until the day before!”

Princess Eugenie's accessories

The royal certainly put a lot of thought into her outfit, as she coordinated her shoes and bag beautifully, opting for metallic gold for both, with her strappy stilettos the center of attention due to the thigh-high slit of Princess Eugenie's dress.

Princess Eugenie's wedding guest dress choice was unorthodox© James Whatling
Princess Eugenie's wedding guest dress choice was unorthodox

Fly alone

Princess Eugenie and Prince William were the only royals in attendance on the big day, with Eugenie's husband Jack Brooksbank notably absent from the evening.

We doubt the royal was denied a plus one, so perhaps Jack was working or looking after their two sons, August, three, and Ernest, one.

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Eugenie took to riding solo in her stride, saying she was a “fifth wheel” with her friends, who attended as a couple.

The princess reportedly drank Modelo beer straight from the bottle and ordered macaroni and cheese which we love, a down-to-earth royal! She loved the pasta dish so much that she took a photo to reproduce it at home, a treat for her young sons!

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