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Grailed and Boiler Room pop-up brings rave culture to Paris Mens Week

Grailed and Boiler Room pop-up brings rave culture to Paris Mens Week


RAVE REVIEWS: Grailed Resale Marketplace and independent music platform Boiler Room are teaming up during Paris Men's Fashion Week for a three-day pop-up called Ravewear.

From June 20 to 22, this shoppable selection of nearly 300 items, from the Grailed archives and its sellers and collectors, illustrates the link between rave culture and fashion from the 1990s to today.

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For Joel Evey, creative director of Grailed, himself a child of the 90s, it was a period of creative excitement that continues to resonate in current creation, both in music and in fashion.

Not only am I personally passionate about [this period] but it's such a nexus for all these cultural moments and cultural touchpoints, he told WWD. So seeing this lineage of musical ideas, artistic energy, clothing style, brands becoming popular made us want to showcase it.

Adidas Samba's unique collaboration with Been Trill.Adidas Samba's unique collaboration with Been Trill.

Adidas Samba's unique collaboration with Been Trill.

Up for grabs are items such as a work suit from Raf Simons' spring 2002 collection; Rick Owens bleached push-up pants; a mirrored hat by Belgian designer Walter van Beirendonck; the ghillie shorts from Comme des Garons, and the futuristic over-the-head Oakley Sunglasses made famous by Trinidadian Olympian Ato Boldon at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

The space located at 23 rue du Sentier will also offer newer options like tops from Japanese label Doublet and the aptly named Balenciaga Raver Spring 2022 denim skirt full of metallic details, belt loops and zippers.

Products from Boiler Room, as well as a limited-edition three-way collaboration between music platform Grailed and sportswear label Champion, will also be sold at arise.

Prices start at around 25 euros for a vintage T-shirt and more than 5,000 euros for a pair of new Adidas Samba sneakers in collaboration with the streetwear label Been Trill.

Futuristic Oakley Over the Top sunglasses.Futuristic Oakley Over the Top sunglasses.

Futuristic Oakley Over the Top sunglasses.

For Grailed, there's no period that better encapsulates its most successful categories of high-end fashion and affordable vintage finds than the '90s rave era, according to the brand's global marketing director Lexi Tollefsen.

Coming together for an in-person event was a way to break down the symbolic boundaries of Grailed's digital format, both communities' Boiler Room show tickets, she added.

On the music side, performances from emerging artists are scheduled throughout the pop-up, with the in-store mixing desk also available for visitors to spin the tunes.

But the highlight of the three-day event will be a party on June 21, coinciding with the city's Music Festival.

On a visit for the men's shows, Evey had been doubly impressed by the joyful atmosphere of the citywide day-long music festival, launched in 1982 by the then French culture minister, Jack Lang , and composer Maurice Fleuret, which has since evolved into a global celebration of music. in more than 120 countries.

Jeremy Scott x Linda Farrow sunglassesJeremy Scott x Linda Farrow sunglasses

Jeremy Scott x Linda Farrow sunglasses

The experience left such an impact that Evey and Grailed commissioned photographer Ryan Molnar to capture the style and mood of the Paris music event and hosted a party with streetwear label Slam Jam last year.

There is such an energy in Paris in the summer. It truly becomes a connection for much more than fashion [where] music, culture and art are happening, he said. It's still so vibrant. With the FĂȘte de la Musique which takes place during [the mens shows] it seemed like a no-brainer because we're really playing with this Venn diagram of style and music.

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