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Jacquemus fall 2024 fashion show

Jacquemus fall 2024 fashion show


Jacquemus presented his RTW Fall 2024 collection fashion show at the historic Casa Malaparte in Capris (June 2024). The Simon Porte Jacquemus-led brand celebrated its 15th anniversary and ended with a runway appearance from BLACKPINK's Jennie.

Private boats ferried celebrities including Dua Lipa, Gwyneth Paltrow and Manu Rios to Capri on Monday for Jacquemus' 15th anniversary fashion show. The event took place at Casa Malaparte, a villa designed by architect Adalberto Libera in the 1930s, providing a striking setting for the brand's Fall/Winter 2024 collection.

Simon Porte Jacquemus, the designer behind the brand, shared his inspiration for the show on Instagram: I decided to create my brand after watching Le Mpris by Jean-Luc Godard, inspired by the beauty and modernity of his vision. The 1963 film, which features Casa Malaparte, played an important role in shaping Jacquemus' vision.

The models climbed 99 steps to reach the cliffside room, where 40 guests awaited them, accompanied by a live orchestra. The first look featured a model wearing a towel-like robe, evoking post-swim elegance. Gray formalwear followed, including a top paired with a teal scarf, while bright blue leather bags and belts accessorized the colorful ensembles that followed.

Semi-sheer dresses with high slits, dark blue sweaters with wide necklines and oversized zebra-print Bermuda shorts highlighted the nautical theme. Navy blue stripes came into focus, fitting in perfectly with the seaside decor.

Sculptural elements, hallmarks of Jacquemus design, were evident throughout the collection. Rigid dresses took conical shapes, wool coats featured pointed triangular lapels, and tops flourished like stiff sculptures around the models' waists. Accessories such as brightly colored leather belts, lunch box handbags, circular totes and zebra loafers added to the visual impact.

The show ended with BLACKPINK's Jennie in a black dress and teal clutch. After the final walk, she shared a moment with Simon Porte Jacquemus, who joined her to the applause of the audience.

The collection featured a mix of Jacquemus' signature styles, celebrating the brand's 15-year journey. It was not just about fashion, but also a testament to the brand's influence, marketing prowess and design excellence, captivating millions of fans and fashion enthusiasts around the world.




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