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Jennie from Blackpink just closed Jacquemus' big Capri show

Jennie from Blackpink just closed Jacquemus' big Capri show


Simon toasted his brand's 15th anniversary with a dolce vita stop on the Italian island, inviting Dua Lipa, Peggy Gou and Giveon to celebrate with him

The Cruise 2025 shows were plagued by gloomy weather and torrential rain, but trust Simon Porte Jacquemus to guarantee nothing but scorching summer sun as he transported the fashion crowd in Capri for its exceptional 15th anniversary grand parade. Not one to do things by halves, the French designer brought together a group of his closest friends, a few celebrities and a handful of journalists to hear about his The House collection, but as usual, it was her grandmother who stole the show. Ticket lost in the mail somehow? Here's everything that happened.

The show took place at Casa Malaparte, a historic, sunset-colored home set atop a soaring cliff overlooking the crystal clear waters below. The villa was used as a location by the late director Jean-Luc Godard during the filming of the 1963 classic. Contempt. A big fan of all of Godard's work, Simon said he was particularly struck by the island's landscape and Brigitte Bardot's performance in the film when he saw it as a child, so being able to show the Legendary Casa was a dream come true. Stacking Jaxquemus flags fluttering in the not-so-gentle breeze and climbing steep steps to the top of the cliffs, guests huddled under sunny yellow umbrellas to escape the heat of the afternoon sun and await the arrival of celebrities.

It was in Italy that the term paparazzi first appeared in the 1960 Fellini film. The sweet life, if you're interested, a few dozen of them surrounded the marina from where guests were heading to the show. Among those they were trying to get money from was Dua Lipa, who stepped out in an azure blue dress from the new The House as well as Peggy Gou, who opted for an all-red look. Joining the group were musician Giveon and Gwyneth Paltrow, who presumably wished Simon well by saying hello before the show. However, the person who had the most cameras in the air when he arrived was Simon's grandmother. Former face of the Jacquemus campaign slipped into a loose white column dress and slicked back top knot and beamed with pride throughout. Seriously: so cute.

Blackpink's Jennie and Simon have formed a strong friendship over the past few years, so after rumors of her being in attendance but no sign of her in the audience, people began to wonder where she had gone. All was revealed when the singer stepped out onto the catwalk, which ran up and down an imposing staircase to the roof of the house, in a figure-hugging backless dress with a turquoise clutch tucked under her arm.

Simon has always had a knack for creating simple but beautiful clothes that women (and, more recently, men!) really want to wear, and the The House the collection continued in this tradition. With Brigitte Bardot and Jackie O on the mood board wearing chic little shirts, easy dresses and of course capri pants, Simon wanted to create a collection ideal for the long hot nights on the island in the middle of summer. This meant floor-length dresses in light-as-air chiffon, roomy Bermuda shorts and thin-strap camis with peplums on the hips and bust. The looks were complemented by more of her covetable handbags and chic scarves wrapped around the models' heads, ideal for keeping your hair from looking like a seagull has nested in it as you roam the island on a speedboat or yacht. Meanwhile, the boys wore little preppy ankle-length pants and sailor shirts, or structured tees with balloon sleeves for a bit of drama. The perfect little summer vacation capsule, in short.

Historically, it was Simons accessories that got girls buzzing, with its omnipresent Chiquito bag a perfect example of its power in 2019, you could barely move without seeing one in the crook of someone's arm or a tiny version squeezed between thumb and index finger. Today, however, Simon says it's his ready-to-wear that's proving the winner. We have never sold as many clothes as last year, the designer told the press after the show. People have the bags now. They want the complete look to go with them. With that demand now reaching fever pitch, the La Casa show coincided with the official opening of a Jacquemus boutique in Capri, meaning visitors to the island can get their Simon fix here and now.

Click through the gallery above for a closer look The House.




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