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These fabulous, flowy dresses from Anthropologie are up to 70% off

These fabulous, flowy dresses from Anthropologie are up to 70% off


There's nothing better than slipping into a flowy maxi dress on a hot summer day. When soft gets brutal, there's not much else you can wear that's as easy, airy, and comfortable as a sundress. This is why I like to stock my wardrobe with several options to alternate throughout the season. If your wardrobe needs a refresh, the good news is that Anthropology is full of great summer dresses and there are tons of styles on sale. Whether you're looking for something to wear to the beach, dinner, or a wedding, you'll want to check out these 10 flattering radiators, up to 70% off.


Feel cute, comfy and covered in this midi dress. It features short, loose sleeves that hit just above the elbows and a ruffled skirt that falls below the knees. It is smocked at the back and has elastic around the sleeves, waist and collar for an even more comfortable fit.

“I bought it because I think the fit is very flattering, especially for us girls who have small tummies,” said one reviewer. “I feel like it’s true to size.”

$50 at Anthropologie


If you're looking for a dress that's as comfortable as a large t-shirt but can be dressed down for work or play, this is it. It's actually a lightweight knit sweater, ideal for cool evenings or breezy summer days, with a ribbed collar and front patch pockets. It comes in four colors, as well as regular, small, and plus sizes.

“It can be worn casually with fun sneakers or sandals or for work with ankle boots or heeled flats,” one shopper shared, before warning: “I usually wear M but they don't fit. only had an XS available because it was on sale, and it fits really well, so size down if necessary.

$50 at Anthropologie


This summer dress is 70% off! THE other The reason you should get it, though, is its elasticated waist, which makes it comfortable to wear all day, but also makes it very flattering. However, some shoppers have noted in reviews that the print is a mix of pink and purple florals on mint green (not white).

“The photos don't do the dress justice, it's stunning,” one person said. “It's true that the colors are not the same but it's more beautiful in real life. The dress has an aqua shade and it looks lovely with the colors of the flowers. It looks superb on it! :

$70 at Anthropologie


This dress looks like a big oversized tank top, but prettier. It exists in coral, white and black and it will become your favorite summer staple.

“It’s a beautiful and simple dress!” » exclaimed a woman. “The peach color is so vibrant! It's a delicious color and the dress is just so easy! Easy to wear and so comfortable!”

$100 at Anthropologie


There's nothing “medium” about this midi, it's light, airy and slightly relaxed, not fitted, not baggy, just right. Slip it on on a hot day and wear it with flip flops, sandals or heels.

“If you're looking for a cute, comfy and cool dress for summer, this is it. I like loose dresses that look good and this one fits the bill!” said one customer.

$100 at Anthropologie


If this dress brings to mind a stroll on the beach, an order of oysters at happy hour, and sunbathing on a scorching summer day, well, that's by design. Made entirely of cotton and lined with soft modal, it ties at the shoulders and has pockets. Wear it with a straw bag and flip-flops.

$100 at Anthropologie


From vintage muumuu to “Whoa, mom!” this number amps up the sexiness with ruffled straps and a structured v-neck. It's on sale in three colors and prints, but this floral design is versatile enough that you can also wear this dress in the fall under a denim or leather jacket.

“I personally loved this dress,” one person said. “I wore the black patterned one with a belt to give it structure and honestly, I thought I looked great on a night out at dinner.”

$120 at Anthropologie


This long dress is perfect for summer weddings and dinners in nice restaurants. It features a beach-friendly coral reef print, beautiful lace trim at the hem and pockets.

“Beautiful in every way,” said one fashionista. “The cut, the quality of the fabric, the colors are just perfect. I can’t wait to wear it for my birthday!”

$130 at Anthropologie


Here's another great find for a summer wedding or any night out where you want to dress up! This one-shoulder style features an oversized bow at the front and an all-over red polka dot print.

“I bought this to wear to a wedding this summer and the compliments were endless!” » said one buyer. “The colors are vibrant and the bow sets this dress apart from anything I've ever seen. The length was perfect and didn't need a hem. If you're feeling a little bloated, this dress is perfect.”

$180 at Anthropologie

The reviews cited above reflect the most recent versions at the time of publication.




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