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Models fight exploitation as fashion worker law hits Gov. Kathy Hochuls' desk

Models fight exploitation as fashion worker law hits Gov. Kathy Hochuls' desk


Models won a major victory against exploitative practices in the fashion industry last week. Friday June 7 The New York State Fashion Worker Law, A bill sponsored by State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal aimed at making the fashion industry more responsible for the treatment of models, was adopted by the National Assembly after being adopted by the Senate the day before. After three years of coalition building by the advocacy group, the Model alliancewhich has battled major resistance from agencies, this latest development moves the bill to New York Governor Kathy Hochul's desk for signing.

Historically, models have been subjected to harassment, financial exploitationAnd wage theft in a culture that normalizes silence. Over the past decade, dozens of models have been proposed discuss mistreatment and assault on set as well as unfair business practices by agencies that kept them in the dark about their finances.

The Model Alliance has been running a hotline for over a decade now, where we hear from working and aspiring models almost every day about a range of concerns, says Sara Ziff, founder and executive director of Model Alliance . Teen Vogue. These days, it's not uncommon for models to be in the dark about their own business dealings. Many modeling contracts ensure that models sign a power of attorney to their agencies and have no say in their own business dealings. [Agencies] are the ones who book the jobs, negotiate everything, really know all the conditions of the job, the scope, the pay rate, the utilization. I think this is actually the basis of a lot of other problems in the industry, including walking on set and then being put on the spot to take off your clothes or other normalized abuse.

Models would also receive an offer note 24 hours in advance so they would have the opportunity to decline employment if they have good-faith concerns, without retaliation, Ziff says. Agencies would also have an obligation to work in the best interests of models and exercise due diligence to ensure that jobs and castings do not pose an unreasonable risk of harm to the model.

For legislation to be truly effective, its application is essential. Ziff says that if these rules are violated, the law would require models to have legal recourse. She said the law would impose civil penalties on collectives that fail to meet their responsibilities under the bill and authorize the attorney general to hold collectives accountable for repeated violations. It would also allow models to file a complaint with the labor commissioner and refuse to participate in a casting or booking due to good faith concerns about a potential violation, without retaliation. Models would also have the option to take private legal action.

We are relieved that the law is on our side. We will be able to help people who come to us with a problem, and we hope that will prevent a lot of abuse, says Ziff. The law would only apply to New York state, but the city is a major player in the multibillion-dollar industry. Ziff hopes to set a precedent by not only highlighting how legislation can change exploitation in fashion, but also by allowing models to understand that they have rights and can respond in uncomfortable situations.




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