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Thieves disguise themselves as fake Amazon workers and steal packages from homes – NBC10 Philadelphia

Thieves disguise themselves as fake Amazon workers and steal packages from homes – NBC10 Philadelphia


Police in parts of northern Delaware want residents to watch out for fake Amazon drivers who appear to be making a delivery but are actually stealing packages right off porches.

A Delaware woman spoke with NBC10 about what happened when she fell victim to one of these porch pirates.

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Florence Kamau, of Middletown, shared some warnings for anyone in Delaware or those who might live in other states.

“I’m beyond myself right now, I’m not sure,” Kamau said.

Kamau told NBC10 she received an alert that FedEx had dropped off her family's new iPhones on Monday. His Ring camera captured the moments the phones were later confiscated.

“Forty minutes later, a guy from Amazon comes in with a package and I didn’t order anything from Amazon, so I was a little curious,” she said.

A Ring security camera on the front porch of a home in New Castle County, Del., captured a person dressed as an Amazon employee stealing a package that had just been delivered.

Middletown police said the man was dressed as a fake Amazon delivery driver. He wore the vest to look legit as a disguised porch pirate.

Investigators are not yet clear whether he was working alone or with other suspects.

Kamau said the package was left under a chair and she wasn't sure if the suspect would have seen it from the street.

Some porch pirates have been caught on security cameras walking up to a house with something in their hands to make it appear like they are a real Amazon worker making a real delivery.

This way, residents will not think anything about approaching their home. We are all conditioned now to not think twice when we see an Amazon driver.

Meanwhile, some Amazon drivers are making things more complicated by driving their own unmarked personal vehicles.

“It was like he was pretending to drop something off and he didn't drop anything, he just took the other package, put it under his Amazon jacket and left,” Kamau said .

New Castle County Police say they have received reports like this in other areas of the county, and unfortunately they don't have an ideal way to make sure this doesn't continue to happen.

Officials recommend requiring a signature for delivery, having items sent in a secure box, or having a neighbor pick up your packages right after you receive an alert that they have been delivered.

Another tip? Definitely have a good surveillance camera to catch the suspect in the act.

“Video surveillance is critical in a lot of these incidents. That way we can make it public if we can't get an ID number,” said New Castle County Police Sgt. » said Andrea Botterbusch. “If you see someone suspicious at a neighbor's house, if you can get a description of the vehicle or, better yet, a tag number, that helps tremendously.”

Kamau says she will now have to hope that her cell phone carrier sympathizes with her situation and replaces the new phones that were stolen.

She still can't believe someone would be so mean and go to such lengths to steal other people's things.

“This is very wrong, please don't do it because families need what they ordered and some of us are single parents and we work hard for our money and when we let's do this, we're doing this for our family, so you're setting us back a little bit when you do this,” she said.

An Amazon spokesperson told NBC10 that the company often monitors the internet for unauthorized Amazon-like clothing and requires items to be removed whenever possible.

While the vast majority of deliveries reach customers without issue, we recognize that unfortunately some bad actors wear Amazon branded or similar clothing to commit package theft. We encourage anyone who experiences package theft to report it to the police and work with law enforcement to help wherever possible. Amazon customer service is also available 24/7 to answer any delivery-related questions,” spokesperson Austin Stowe said in a statement.




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