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Camila Cabello wore a strapless leather dress and was paired with Julia Fox

Camila Cabello wore a strapless leather dress and was paired with Julia Fox


Over the weekend, Camila Cabello attended the 2024 Billboard Latin Music Awards in Miami, Florida to accept a Global Impact Award. According to her, the feat only seemed real when she took the stage.

My interaction with people from all over the world has been very enriching, Cabello told Billboard in a backstage interview. I got to see so much and I feel really grateful to have had the opportunity to interact with people.

Naturally, the I Luv It singer wore a glamorous look for the occasion, befitting her new era of fashion-forward style.

Camilas strapless leather dress

Cabello donned the Firebird leather dress from emerging designer Dilara Findikoglufrom the Spring/Summer 2023 collection. Designed with a strapless style silhouette, the midi dress is subtly embellished with silver studs and subtle touches of crimson red.

With such an elaborate dress, very few accessories are needed, so she kept the styling to a minimum. Cabello opted for a pair of taupe open-toe sandals and skipped the jewelry (her shiny new trophy added more than enough sparkle).

    Camila Cabello arriving at the Telemundo Center in Miami, Florida wearing a strapless leather dress.

Telemundo/NBCUniversal/Getty Images

Instead of her favorite beachy waves, Cabello wore her ice blonde hair blown out, with loose curls that added a bit of volume. Her makeup and manicure were both neutral, proving once again that in some cases, less truly is more.

Camila Cabello backstage at the Telemundo Center in Miami, Florida.

Telemundo/NBCUniversal/Getty Images

Strapless Leather Dress (Julias Version)

Chances are fashionistas have seen this dress before. Uncut gemstones star and trendsetter, Julia Fox wore the same piece last fall to promote his biography In the sink.

Always provocative, she wore it in a completely different way: with an oversized chocolate fur coat and matching leather accessories.

Julia Fox wears a strapless leather dress in New York.

Gotham/GC Images/Getty Images

One look, two very chic ways.




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