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Wilcox fashion design students strut through the decades

Wilcox fashion design students strut through the decades


On May 17, the annual Wilcox High School Fashion Show was scheduled to take place in the evening at the Mission City Center for Performing Arts. According to fashion design and marketing professor Mindy Trisko, two and a half hours before the show was set to begin, a power outage hit the theater and spread across Monroe Street.

The show floor was moved to a cement stage on the high school campus grounds. Helpers brought folding chairs, long extension cords and speakers from the Associated Student Body building to the quad. Approximately 300 people, including parents and other family members, students, alumni and community members, attended the outdoor fashion show.

Around 80 students from Fashion Classes 1, 2 and 3 presented a period parallel to the show's theme, Through the Decades. One of these student designers was 18-year-old Alex Dumas.



I designed my “Till Death Do Us Part” wedding collection, doing my best to draw inspiration from 1950s wedding dresses, Dumas said. I was inspired by the song The Masochism Tango by Tom Lehrer, the Addams Family, vampires and horror elements. These are all things I keep close to me. I have always been interested in non-traditional yet graceful outfits.

One of the garments from the Dumass collection is a cherry red satin dress with black lace details.

Because the lace and satin refused to be sewn together on the bodice, I had to use fabric glue to connect them before I could sew the bodice together, Dumas explained. Other than that it was just the average sewing styles, and a bit of hand stitching for the flowers on the waist and a bit in the skirt which I used to cover a hole I had made when cutting the fabric.

Student designer Charlotte Hall, 17, created an 80s-inspired collection channeling punk style, using chain trimmings and leather as some of the materials.

This year's Wilcox Fashion Show This year's Wilcox Fashion Show

I built two jackets, two bodysuits and two pants from scratch, Hall said. The rest of the clothes on display were ones that I had altered and embellished. For example, I basically made a double leg hoop skirt with strips of leather held together with a plastic chain.

Hall explained the characteristics associated with 80s fashion.

It's often characterized by bright, often neon colors, synthetic fabrics and voluminous tops, all of which lead to a distinctly artificial vibe, Hall said. For my collection, I leaned into bright colors to create an electrifying collection focused on hot pink, red, yellow and purple.

Power at Mission City Center was restored a half-hour before the show began, Trisko said. But by that time we had already moved all the clothes and equipment to the quad, so the show stayed in the quad.

I'm proud of how the students went with the flow, Trisko continued. I am so happy with the resilience the children have shown. They were flexible and open-minded about everything.

For more details on Wilcox High School Fashion program events, visit the organization's website. Instagram page.

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