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French fashion house Chlo prepares to expand into Dallas, Texas

French fashion house Chlo prepares to expand into Dallas, Texas


Highland Park Village welcomes a new free-spirited French addition.

Luxury fashion house Chlo will open at the mall this fall. This will be the first location in Texas and the sixth in the United States for the brand, which belongs to the same group as Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels and Peter Millar, among others. The store will offer items including women's ready-to-wear as well as jewelry, eyewear and beauty products, the company said.

The brand also has a store at Saks Fifth Avenue in Houstons Galleria shopping center.

Dallas' booming population has made it an even more notable fashion destination, said Stephen Summers, co-owner of Highland Park Village. Chlo's store, approximately 2,408 square feet, joins high-end storefronts like Dior, Herms and Carolina Herrera. On the Chlo website, custom mini shorts retail for $3,090 and one silk summer dress retails for $3,890.

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“I think the fashion quotient in Highland Park Village has accelerated over the last decade to the point where it was currently on the radar of most brands in the world,” Summers said.

Sales at Highland Park Village have increased 160% since 2019, Summers added.

Highland Park Village is close to some of the Americas richest zip codes. It's Summers' job, he says, to seek out interesting and promising brands.

Highland Park Village in Dallas is an upscale family affair

We're obviously not looking to chase anyone away if they're doing very, very well,” Summers said. But as you know, fashion is cyclical. And the brands get hot and the brands get cold, and we were just trying to have as many hot brands at the same time as possible.

Last year, Highland Park Village added four new boutiques to its lineup, including French-Italian brand Moncler and designer Jonathan Simkhai, Simkhai's namesake. The same year, the Starbucks center lost its lease and Ralph Lauren closed its long-standing space which Dior took over to move to a new location within the Village.

Summers said we go to Paris two or three times a year to see what's relevant. Chlo had been on Summers' radar for five years, he said, and the brand signed a long-term lease with Highland Park Village. The storefront will also be the first Chlo location under new designer Chemena Kamali, Summers said.

I saw the design of the store, it’s beautiful, he said. And they really brought back a Parisian bohemian chic vibe to Chlo, you know, that existed under Phoebe Philo.

The Chlo location in Highland Park Village will be located between Valentino and Alice + Olivia, Summers said. It will occupy a space previously occupied by Italian fashion house Etro.

Chlo released its Resort 2025 collection this week. A representative for Chlo declined to comment further for this article.

X: @umaxbhat

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