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Natalie Portman in sheer beaded dress at Miss Dior exhibition opening

Natalie Portman in sheer beaded dress at Miss Dior exhibition opening


Natalie Portman brought a pure touch to retro fashion as she attended the opening of the Miss Dior exhibition in Tokyo on Wednesday.

The actress, a spokesperson for the French brand's Miss Dior fragrance since 2011, wore an embroidered high-neck dress with beaded fringe along the hem. The bodice of her 1920s-inspired dress, which evoked the era's iconic flapper suit, featured floral motifs and a statement collar.

Natalie Portman wears a 1920s-inspired retro beaded fringe sheer dress at the opening of a Miss Dior exhibition at the Roppongi Museum in Tokyo on June 12, red carpet, beaded dress, 1920s, perfume

Natalie Portman at the opening of the Miss Dior exhibition at the Roppongi Museum in Tokyo on June 12.

AFP via Getty Images

Portman completed her look with silver open heels, a pearl cocktail ring and matching drop earrings.

The “May December” star wore her brunette tresses in a sleek updo, while her makeup consisted of taupe eyeshadow and pink blush.

Natalie Portman wears a 1920s-inspired retro beaded fringe sheer dress at the opening of a Miss Dior exhibition at the Roppongi Museum in Tokyo on June 12, red carpet, beaded dress, 1920s, perfume

Natalie Portman at the opening of the Miss Dior exhibition at the Roppongi Museum in Tokyo on June 12.

AFP via Getty Images

Portman has worn Dior designs on several occasions, including at the 2024 Golden Globes in January. Her black tulle evening dress was embroidered with an impressionistic landscape of micro-florals.

“My dress was hand beaded and took hundreds of hours of work, so I'm really lucky to be able to wear it, it's like a garden on a dress,” Portman told WWD.

The actress also spoke about the importance of sustainable fashion.

“It’s really exciting to see more companies offering sustainable and vegan materials,” she continued. “I actually invested in a company called MycoWorks that produces mushroom leather, which a lot of luxury brands now use.”

Natalie Portman wears a 1920s-inspired retro beaded fringe sheer dress at the opening of a Miss Dior exhibition at the Roppongi Museum in Tokyo on June 12, red carpet, beaded dress, 1920s, perfume

Natalie Portman at the opening of the Miss Dior exhibition at the Roppongi Museum in Tokyo on June 12.

AFP via Getty Images

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