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3 reasons why his look wins

3 reasons why his look wins


Professional golfer Rory McIlroy's look Thursday at the US Open ticks all the boxes: it's fresh, trendy (not flashy!) and fits well.  Here's how to buy it.

Rory McIlroy is already a winner with Thursday's look at the US Open.

Getty Images

In the world of golf fashion, there is a short list of pros who could be described as particularly gifted when it comes to tailoring.

Tiger Woods, once synonymous with Nike, and now sporting his own brand, Sun Day Red, and Adam Scott, who has worn Uniqlo since 2013, have always looked polished and traditional on the course, mostly wearing well-tailored earth tones and flattering neutrals. .

Longtime Ralph Lauren partner Billy Horschel has taken some risks during his career, remember the famous octopus pants? but has made a name for itself as a fashion player by mixing conservative basics with trendy colors and prints with aplomb.

In recent years, Rory McIlroy has made huge strides in terms of style on the course. Part of the reason is that McIlroy is growing up. It's easy to forget that he was just 18 when he turned pro in 2007. Today, he's 35, a husband and father, and his clothes have matured with him.

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Michael Bamberger

Nike, the brand McIlroy has worn since 2013, does not share an apparel sponsorship, and Nike athletes wear the swoosh from head to toe. This stipulation alone elevates the outfits; they are clean, never fussy, never busy. McIlroy has also embraced younger trends and silhouettes that the brand's other golfers aren't using, like European slim fits.

As I watched the opening round at Pinehurst No. 2 on Thursday, McIlroy was the clear winner of the first round fashion award. Its look is simple, but it offers some interesting lessons for dressing for golf:

1. Matching hat and shoes

A white hat and white shoes combo remains undefeated. Follow this pattern and you can wear pretty much whatever you want in between. You will always look put together.

2. Solids in fat are winners

McIlroy's polo shirt completely came off the screen. The orange-melon color is very visible without being too bright. The fit is very fitted, not tight, with a sleeve length just a cut above the elbow. I love pairing it with navy blue pants, it adds a youthfulness to the outfit that would have been lost with black, gray or khaki. Additionally, the slim, tapered cut of the pants looks athletic and well-fitted, flattering McIlroy's body type.

3. Belts matter!

McIlroy's braided belt is trendy and cool but it's not the focal point of this outfit. Instead, it blends seamlessly with the pants, but adds cool texture and depth in close-up. Stretchy and woven belts generally look great with performance fabrics, and this one is no exception.

McIlroy's outfit incorporates everything I love about men's golf fashion: it's fresh, trendy (not flashy!), and fits well. Check out Rory McIlroy's entire US Open Thursday set below, all available at The Nike website. You can click on the links to buy now.

Nike Dri-FIT Rise Structured Snapback Cap


Designed for the gym, work, and everywhere in between, the Nike Dri-FIT Rise Cap is ready for all-day wear.

Nike Dri-FIT Tour Men's Solid Golf Polo Shirt


Our sturdy Tour Polo is all about consistency, with a stretchy, sweat-wicking feel that helps you get the most out of your swing.

Nike Stretch Woven Belt


The woven fabric is stretchy to help you move smoothly with every swing.

Nike Tour Repel Flex Men's Slim Fit Golf Pants


The slim fit and soft, stretchy feel fabric give you the confidence to perform at your best.

Nike Air Zoom Victory Tour 3 NRG


Breathable textile on the upper helps keep you cool and comfortable as you wade through tall grass.


Publisher of

As a four-year member of Columbia's inaugural class of varsity golfers, Jessica can outplay everyone on the masthead. She can also outperform them in the office, where she is primarily responsible for producing print and online articles, and overseeing major special projects, such as GOLF's first style issue, which debuted in February 2018. His original interview series, A Round Avec, debuted in November 2015 and appeared both in the magazine and in video form on




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