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Epson Partners with ASEAN Fashion Designer Showcase to Host ASEAN International Fashion Week in Singapore

Epson Partners with ASEAN Fashion Designer Showcase to Host ASEAN International Fashion Week in Singapore


SINGAPORE June 13, 2024 Epson, a global provider of professional printing technologies, has partnered with ASEAN Fashion Designers Showcase (AFDS) for the first time to host ASEAN International Fashion Week (AIFW) at the renowned ArtScience Museum in Singapore.

Lisa Fitria from AFDS Indonesia shines at the Epson show with her collection

The annual fashion event aims to showcase and celebrate the unique style and diversity of the ASEAN region. This year, Epson and AFDS also took the opportunity to leverage the platform to raise awareness about eco-friendly textile printing. The event brought together more than 850 participants, including members of the public, designers and industry partners.

Sustainable fashion show windows

Collection designed by Terry Yeo, AFDS Singapore, presented at the Epson Runway Show

In partnership with 11 AFDS designers, the Epson show showcased the reality of sustainable fashion using Epson's digital textile printing technology. Each designer's unique pieces were brought to life using Epson SureColor Series printers, including SureColor F6430, SureColor F9430H and SureColor F10030.

The showcase highlighted the possibilities of how innovation and technology can create more environmentally friendly practices in the fashion industry. All designers featured at the Epson Runway Show used dye-sublimation printers to create their pieces, demonstrating the potential of high-quality, sustainable fashion.

During the opening speech, Siew Jin Kiat, regional general manager of Epson Southeast Asia, highlighted Epson's collaboration with famous Japanese fashion designer Yuima Nakazato. The designer's avant-garde collection demonstrates the advancements made in sustainable printed fabrics using Epson solutions. The fabric is now thinner, more flexible and optimized for printing using Epson's sustainable direct-to-fabric digital textile printing technology.

Roundtable on fashion and sustainability

Roundtable on fashion and sustainability

In addition to the fashion shows, Epson and AFDS also hosted an informative panel discussion to delve deeper into the impact and importance of sustainability in the fashion and technology industry.

Session panelists included:

  • Desmond Gay, Regional Commercial Product Manager, Epson South East Asia
  • Hayden Ng, Founding Chairman of ASEAN Fashion Designers Showcase
  • Rocco Leo Gaglioti, CEO of FNL Network (United States)
  • Aidarkhan Kaliyev, founder of Aspara International Fashion Week (Kazakhstan)
  • Marianna Micelli, Founder of Mad Mood Milano Fashion Week (Italy)
  • Eduardo Perez Gonzales Ocantos, fashion designer for Ocantos (Argentina)
  • Juan Gerscovich, CEO/Creative Director of Industry of All NationsTM.

The session was moderated by Neva Weber, International Director of Public Relations and Media of ASEAN International Fashion Week.

Some of the key topics covered include Epson's significant advancements in sustainability and innovation within the textile printing industry. Desmond highlighted how Epson's dye-sublimation printers reduce water consumption compared to analog printing methods. Thermal sublimation inks are also Oeko-Tex Eco Passport certified, a certification free of harmful substances, thus improving working conditions. He also highlighted Epson's commitment to becoming carbon negative and ground-free, noting that all electricity used at Epson-owned sites around the world now comes from renewable sources, reducing 400,000 tonnes of emissions of carbon per year. Desmond also shared Epson's future plans, including building the first biomass power plant over the next three years, reinforcing its commitment to sustainable energy solutions.

Pop-up store

Epsons Exhibition at ASEAN International Fashion Week

In addition to getting a glimpse of the latest fashion collection on stage, fashion enthusiasts were also able to try on and purchase pieces from the show. As part of this pop-up, the public was able to view the display of Epsons SC-F6430H and SC-F130 textile printers which support textile production as well as tailor-made gift productions. It was an interesting experience for the audience which gave them a better understanding of the cutting-edge technology behind these innovative printers.

At Epson, we believe that innovation and technology play a crucial role in driving positive change in the fashion industry. Our products are designed to meet the varied needs of commercial and industrial sectors, with a strong focus on supporting people and protecting the environment. Additionally, our extensive collaboration with AFDS demonstrates our commitment to raising awareness and fostering the adoption of environmentally friendly printing practices in the fashion community. We look forward to continuing to drive a more sustainable future for generations to come,” said Derek Tan, Head of Sales and Marketing at Epson Singapore.

We are delighted to once again partner with Epson to bring sustainable fashion to the forefront in Singapore. The partnership allows us to highlight a fashion collection that truly represents the essence of the region while raising awareness of circular and sustainable fashion practices. “We look forward to a long-term partnership with a shared vision for the future of fashion and technology,” added Hayden Ng, Singapore's first founder/fashion ambassador, ASEAN Fashion Designers Showcase.

For more information about Epson's digital textile solution, visit our website:

Published: June 13, 2024

Source: Epson Singapore




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