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Milkmaid Dresses Are the Bridgerton-Style Dress Trend of the Season

Milkmaid Dresses Are the Bridgerton-Style Dress Trend of the Season


The Bridgerton Chronicles fan or otherwise, it won't have escaped your notice that the hit regency drama is returning to Netflix for its third series, bringing with it an avalanche of fabulous period costumes and the return of a key summer dress .

Milkmaid dresses have once again flooded our Instagram feeds, but not in the formal styles favored by Penelope Featherington and Francesca Bridgerton, providing a stark contrast to the minimalist, “quiet luxury” aesthetic that has reigned for so long.

This ultra-feminine dress, which falls directly into this season's playful flirtatious trend, is easily distinguished by its short or puffed sleeves, its fitted bodice which generally ends just below the bust (called empire line) and its loose A-line skirt.

It gets its name from its popularity with milkmaids centuries ago, so it's definitely not a flashy silhouette, but it's one we turn to year after year because it's so pretty and easy to wear.

This summer, modern takes on the milk dress feature tie fronts, bohemian-inspired ruffles and ruffles, square necklines, and/or shorter hemlines, but they all ooze romance. Go all out by wearing yours with Mary Jane flats, or balance out your girly look with cool sneakers, chunky loafers, cowboy boots, or edgier studded shoes. Or dress it up with heels if you're looking for a wedding guest outfit.

Nostalgic floral milkmaid dresses may still be the dominant style, but if you find these prints too twee, try a solid color, including black, which can look surprisingly chic in summer. We also like polka dots and English embroidery. Throw on a denim or leather jacket for a casual outfit and add some oomph.

So, dear reader, without further ado, here are some of our favorite milkmaid dresses to shop now:

Reformation Balia linen dress

Balia linen dress

Rixo Sathya mid-length dress

Sathya mid-length dress

& Other Stories puff sleeve midi dress

Midi dress with puff sleeves

Hill House Home Scarlett Midi Nap Dress

The Scarlett mid-length nap dress

Damson Madder pink gingham Rhea dress

Rhea pink gingham dress

H&M puff sleeve babydoll dress

Babydoll dress with puff sleeves

Quinn Dress

Quinn Dress

Ganni Pink Textured Cloqu Layered Dress

Pink textured cloqu layered dress




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