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Rihanna responds to 'I'm retired' and pregnancy rumors

Rihanna responds to 'I'm retired' and pregnancy rumors


Despite a shortage of albums and the message her clothes project, Rihanna insists she is not retired from music. Besides, she is not pregnant.

The Diamonds and Umbrella singer went viral on the internet last week after stepping out in a graphic t-shirt dress that was sporting I'm retired, this is as dressed as I am. Her wardrobe choice has led her fans to desperately search for new music from the hitmaker and frantically try to decode the message on the dress believe she had ended her recording career.

Alas, new music is still on the horizon and Riri said the only retirement she has planned at the moment is from dress to the nines.

It was just me looking to the future. I am not retired. I just love this dress, the 36-year-old said Additional Monday. I received it as a gift and I loved it. They didn't read the second line, I'm not retired, I just retired from dressing up, it's a lot of effort.

Further teasing her fans, the singer joked: Wait for the I Quit t-shirt.

The singer, who has welcomed two children since 2022, last released an album in 2016. Her fans were eagerly awaiting it. his album R9 the release settles ever so slightly into late 2022 when the singer debuted the Oscar-nominated ballad Lift Me Up from the Black Panther: Wakanda Forever soundtrack. The multi-hyphenate has been busy with other projects, including the expansion of her industry-disrupting Fenty Beauty makeup and skincare line, her Newly Launched Fenty Hair and expand her family with her beau ASAP Rocky.

She and rapper Praise the Lord welcomed their first son RZA Athelson Mayers in May 2022 and their second, Riot Rose Mayers aka the Super Bowl baby in August 2023.

The We Found Love singer has been praising motherhood ever since and recently said so AND! News that she wouldn't mind adding a spicy little girl to the mix, but not anytime soon.

Can I collect my six-pack first? she says. I don't think I've ever had one, but still. Let me go to Carnival one summer? Please, one summer.

Then, in an interview with AND, She said she really hoped to have more children, but shut down speculation about an immediate third pregnancy: I'm not pregnant, if that's what you're asking.

A new aspect of her life that she will happily discuss: her hair. The Grammy winner showed off her natural curls at a Fenty Hair launch party where almost all of the aforementioned interviews took place and debuted a short blonde style.

As I've evolved as a woman and even as an artist, hair has played a very important role in that and is a reflection of everything I feel, she said Monday at an event in Los Angeles (via People). So it changes a lot and my hair goes through a lot of changes. In creating this brand, I had to consider all of these things. I want to look fly, but I want my hair to be healthy. How do I do this? All my products need to be strengthened and repaired while I look simply fabulous.




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