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Princess Charlene's concern over her five-metre wedding dress caught on camera

Princess Charlene's concern over her five-metre wedding dress caught on camera


Princess Charlene of Monaco, 46, wore two stunning Armani Priv wedding dresses to marry Prince Albert, 66, but one of them had hidden problems.

The former Olympic swimmer walked down the aisle in a shimmering, off-the-shoulder ivory dress adorned with 40,000 crystals. Vogue reported that it took three seamstresses “2,500 hours to make [and featured] 40,000 Swarovski crystals and 20,000 mother-of-pearl tears.

Princess Charlene with her hand in Prince Albert's arm as they are covered in petals after their wedding© Getty
Princess Charlene wore an Armani Prive wedding dress with a long train

Her double train, which stretched five meters, left a lasting memory among fans as it followed her to the Prince's Palace, and it was paired with an equally striking cathedral-length veil. But when it came time to leave the ceremony and head to her wedding dinner and ball at the Opéra Garnier, Charlene seemed hesitant to get in the car. Take a look at the video below

Princess Charlene's second wedding dress

Charlene in white and Albert on the wedding day© Getty
Princess Charlene wore a second tiered wedding dress

Princess Charlene transformed into another stunning evening gown, featuring a sheer neckline, an embellished belt and rows of fabric cascading down the skirt in elegant ruffles adorned with rows of sequins.

Without the same dramatic train as her first dress, Charlene's second dress was lighter and offered easier movement. “The wedding dress is quite heavy, so I wanted to change it for something light, soft and easy to wear for the evening,” she explained.

Charlene's signature pixie cut was nowhere to be seen, as the princess sported a low bun with a bejeweled Alice headband.

The marriage of Charlène and Albert

Wedding of Princess Charlene and Prince Albert in the main courtyard of the Prince's Palace© Handout
Princess Charlène and Prince Albert were married in the main courtyard of the Prince's Palace in 2011.

The royal couple's wedding festivities lasted three days and featured A-list guests including Prince Edward, Duchess Sophie and Naomi Campbell. They attended an Eagles concert on June 30, 2011, during which the bride wore an unconventional pale blue jumpsuit, followed by the ceremony the next day, where Charlene was photographed getting emotional.

Charlene said in an interview with The Times: “It was all so overwhelming and there were all mixed emotions because of the rumors, and obviously the tension rose and I burst into tears. [immediately after the ceremony].

“And then I burst into tears again because I thought, 'Oh no, now the whole world has seen me cry'.” The weekend ended with a lavish reception on July 2.

Grace Kelly's son met Charlene (née Wittstock) at the Mare Nostrum swimming competition in Monaco in 2000, and they made their public debut at the opening ceremony of the 2006 Winter Olympics.

In an interview withVogueCharlene – who now shares twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella – said: “Our first public appearance was at the Turin Olympics in 2006. Albert put me at ease. It was clear we shared the same passions; we both became very emotional watching athletes. Sport is the common denominator of our lives.

PICTURES:Royal engagement rings ranked by price: Princess Kate's $390,000 sapphire, Princess Eugenie's rare $120,000 rock and more

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