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The best men's trends for spring 2025 seen at Pitti Uomo

The best men's trends for spring 2025 seen at Pitti Uomo


Pitti Uomo continues to speak to a very well-defined tribe within the men's community, style aficionados who want to stay within the confines of classic aesthetics while still standing out.

Here are the main new features of the spring 2025 fairground classics.

Stay separate

Street style at Pitti Uomo 106 in Milan

Urban style at Pitti Uomo 106 in Milan.

Kuba Dabrowski/WWD

The days of monochrome suits are over: next summer, sartorial pieces will be the way to go, crafted in lightweight fabrics in jewel tones to attract attention.

Software utility

Brunello Cucinelli Men Spring 2025

Brunello Cucinelli men spring 2025

Gregory Harris/Courtesy of Brunello Cucinelli

Menswear and workwear go hand in hand, but a new iteration has emerged in the use of softly constructed safari jackets, primarily linen, replacing the more formal blazer.


TRC Men Spring 2025

TRC men spring 2025

Courtesy of TRC

The conversation around denim is heating up, reaffirming the style's cultural relevance. For the Pitti Uomo pack, this translated into a five-pocket style achieved in a multitude of colors and based on the use of luxurious fabrics and blends, as well as innovative finishing techniques.

The pink pants

Pink pants for spring 2025 from Ouest Paris.

Pink pants for spring 2025 from Ouest Paris.

Courtesy of Ouest Paris

Soft pastels and chalky tones became the color palette of choice for spring 2025 and pink reclaimed its role as the new neutral, appearing on trousers throughout the show, flanked by the more traditional summery white and beige.

Trendy belts

A Molebo belt.

A Molebo belt.

Courtesy of Molebo

There's something going on at the waist. Belts constitute the most dynamic category of small leather goods. For spring, Western influences were highlighted, with buckles and tips often adorned with vintage-looking turquoise and silver details.

Shirt Jackets

Street style at Pitti Uomo 106 in Milan

Urban style at Pitti Uomo 106 in Milan.

Kuba Dabrowski/WWD

As heat waves have become the norm in recent summers, the shirt jacket is breathing new life into the sleepy category. Key styles ranged from traditional striped designs to more whimsical and vintage camp-collar iterations.




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