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Best Linen Dresses 2024 – Forbes Vetted

Best Linen Dresses 2024 – Forbes Vetted


There are few items of clothing that are truly pull-on looks, but linen dresses take on the fashion challenge. They are both everyday essentials and trendy summer pieces. The best linen dresses come in flowy, breathable weaves and offer sleek silhouettes that fit perfectly on a wide variety of sizes and colors.

For a wardrobe workhorse we love J.Crews Captain Shirt DressThis is our pick for the best linen dress overall. We have also included a remarkable mini linen, maxi fluid and an easy popover shirt dress style. Read on to discover all our lightweight linen favorites, and to complete your wardrobe, we also have guides to the best summer dresses and the most comfortable wedges.

Editors' Picks at a Glance

J.Crew has plenty of linen offerings this season, and this knee-length shirt dress style is your answer to easy summer dressing. It features a buttoned front and a removable tie; it is available in classic, small and large fits; and it's available in six timeless colors (white is doubled). Style Tip: Wear it with a contrasting belt to get even more wear out of this piece, and dress it up with bold fashion jewelry in metallic or organic materials.

Anthropologie has one of the best selections of linen dresses in a variety of lengths and silhouettes. This model is made from linen and viscose, which makes it light and fluid and gives it a magnificent drape. It features a patch pocket on the chest, slanted side pockets and a simple tie strap. The ankle-length length makes it perfect for weekend shopping in the city, strolling through the farmer's market, or having a barbecue on the beach at sunset.

This tiered linen-cotton blend silhouette is effortless, forgiving and vibrant, making it casual for summer days. We love it with sandals, wedge espadrilles or pretty light-colored sneakers. It comes in eight colors and patterns (although many are cotton instead of linen) and available in sizes from XXS to 3XL.

The V-neck shape and bubble sleeves make this mini very unique. What's also great is that it's fully lined, so you don't have to worry about what your underwear looks like, and it has side seam pockets. The Livia dress is available in regular, large and small fits and in four colors. Reviewers love that it can be dressed up or down.

A structured belt rather than a simple tie can make all the difference in elevating a linen dress, and this wide fabric belt adds a finishing element. Other details include a flattering A-line shape, cuffs on the short sleeves and a mid-calf length. It comes in four happy summer colors and this style is available in petite and regular fits.

For a lightweight dress that you can wear for errands, work, or outdoor parties, the flattering Quinces A-line dress is a versatile choice. This model features pockets, adjustable straps and a smocked back for a perfect fit across the chest. Please note: The white colorway has a fully lined skirt, so you don't have to worry about overexposure.

Lifestyle brand Faherty excels at casual style, and this linen and viscose blend dress is another breezy option. It comes in a striped or floral print with pockets, shell buttons and side slits. You'll use it again and again all summer long, pair it with flip flops, sandals or sneakers.

Fun dresses with colorful patterns from Brazilian women's clothing brand Farm Rios are a statement addition to any summer wardrobe. This white style, while more subdued than many of their more tropical-inspired styles, is beautifully detailed. It features a high neckline, flutter sleeves, a scalloped hem and a structured belt that elevate this dress to the status of a statement piece.

Everyone needs a wrap dress in their closet: it provides perfect coverage and has a flattering A-line shape. The Everlanes wrap style is fully lined, so you don't have to worry about obvious underwear. The midi length and short sleeves make this a lovely linen option for the office. It is available in four colors: black, bone, dark sea and corn stalk chambray.

If you're looking for a casual linen style, this mini popover can double as a beach cover-up. It has a unique smocked style and raw hem, and is available in three non-traditional colors: gray, pink and mint. This dress comes in standard, petite, and large sizes, but note that some reviewers say it may run small in the bust.

A fitted buttoned bodice and A-line skirt with unexpected box pleats give this Reformation linen dress a vintage vibe. We like it worn with a belt and paired with ballet flats or heels. It comes in white or cornflower stripes.

Karl Lagerfeld Paris – Belted trapeze dress with puff sleeves

While some linen styles can sometimes be shapeless, this more structured version features short puff sleeves, scalloped details and a thick tonal belt. It comes in a beautiful summery yellow gold or white with black details.

Think of this linen mini dress as basic on the front, festive on the back. The square-oval neckline is low-cut but not too low, and the crossed back creates a keyhole cutout. It comes in three colors: black, red and pale pineapple and is available in sizes 00 to 16.

Linen dries quickly, making it a good choice for covering a swimsuit. This inexpensive button-down shirt dress easily goes from the beach or poolside to lunch on the town. Roll up the sleeves and tighten it at the waist for a casual look. This style is roomy, so you may need to size smaller.

Elieen Fisher is the master of understated luxury, and this understated organic linen shirt dress is destined to become your next wardrobe staple. It features a buttoned front, patch pockets and subtle vertical stripes.

Show off your toned shoulders in this ankle-length style. It's made from a linen and viscose blend (translation: fewer wrinkles) and has a gathered panel at the back so it doesn't fall apart at the chest. Other practical features include elastic straps for a comfortable fit and offset pockets just ahead of the side seam so as not to create excess bulk.

The subtly crinkled texture of this linen dress is enhanced with a square neckline, contrast buttoned front and fabric belt. This style looks great with a neutral heel and classic jewelry. It is available in regular and petite fits and in four colors: blue stripes, linen, fleur de lei, and crossed blue chevrons.

Why trust Forbes Verified

At Forbes Vetted, our fashion background is deep and our editors have decades of fashion experience. We write about fashion frequently, often covering summer-specific clothing ideas like what to wear on vacation and the best swimwear brands.

  • Forbes contributor Molly Calhoun wrote this article. She has covered women's lifestyle topics, including fashion, for over two decades. She's written stories about the best linen shirts for men and the best linen pants for women, and linen is her favorite casual-but-not-casual summer fabric.
  • Kari Molvar, deputy editor of Forbes, is a seasoned lifestyle journalist. She wears linen in all seasons.
  • Our writer has personally worn linen dresses from several of the brands we cover in this story, including Farm Rio, J.Crew, Tuckernuck, and H&M.

What to Consider When Buying Linen Dresses

Fabric composition

Pure linen is made from flax fibers, a durable fabric. By nature, linen is light and breathable. Many linen dresses are made from 100% linen and have a slightly ruffled look, creating a relaxed, nonchalant vibe. Some dresses are woven with linen and viscose blends, making them very fluid, while others are blended with cotton, which can make them less easy to wrinkle.

Hem and sleeve length

Even long linen dresses are airy, so if you choose a longer linen dress or something with sleeves, it shouldn't cause you to overheat. The linen dress you choose will really depend on your style aesthetic.


Due to their slightly looser weave, linen dresses, especially those in lighter colors, can be semi-sheer when the weather is nice. If you buy a linen dress in a lighter cream or white color, be careful if it has a lining so you don't show everyone what underwear you're wearing.


Most linen dresses can be machine washed on gentle or cold and should be hung to dry. Keep in mind, however, that you will likely need to iron your dress to remove any wrinkles. You can also choose to have your dress dry cleaned for a truly impeccable result.

How do I get wrinkles out of linen?

To remove significant wrinkles but also maintain the relaxed, imperfect texture of the fabric, we recommend using a garment steamer to minimize significant wrinkles. (See our story on the best steamers for clothes for tips.) To get a flawless iron, it's best to take your dress to the dry cleaner.

Can I wash clothes in the washing machine?

Yes, in most cases you can wash laundry on a cold delicate cycle. It is often recommended to hang laundry to dry, but in some cases you can put it in the dryer on low heat. Too much heat will unfortunately cause your linen garment to shrink. Always read the care label before washing and drying.

What are the best shoes to wear with a linen dress?

Since linen is generally a summer fabric, many people like to wear it with casual flat sandals or comfortable espadrilles. Also think about the length of your dress. In many cases, short dresses will look chic with flats, while midi lengths will look lovely with a wedge heel or sneaker. But ultimately, the shoes you wear really depend on your style preferences.

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