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Joey King's Grandma Calls Her Out for Sheer Dress (Exclusive)

Joey King's Grandma Calls Her Out for Sheer Dress (Exclusive)


Brutal honesty!

Joey King's grandmother didn't hesitate to talk about the actress' daring look for the premiere of A family matter. For the Thursday, June 13 event at the Egyptian Theater in Los Angeles, King, 24, wore a Simone Rocha look: a sheer black tulle top with 3D roses and a matching sheer skirt.

“My grandmother asked me in the car, she said, 'Are you nervous?'” the star told PEOPLE on the red carpet. “I was like, 'No,' and she was like, 'Well, your whole ass is hanging out.' And I was like, 'All right, Grandma, let's just take a moment.'”

King also shared that she doesn't really get nervous at events anymore, even when wearing something “risqué.”

“I really like this look. It's so fun,” she said. “It's a little risky, but I really like it. It's also a nice cool breeze flowing through.”

King continued: “I like to take risks when it comes to fashion and I think it's very important for me to express myself in that way, so it's empowering to me.”

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Joey King at the premiere of “A Family Affair”, June 13, 2024.

Matt Baron/EIB/Shutterstock

The Emmy nominee accessorized her sheer ensemble with black Le Silla platform sandals and floral earrings. Her blonde hair was parted to the side and styled in loose, beachy waves.

Nicole Kidman, Zac Efron and Joey King at the premiere of 'A Family Affair'.

Charley Gallay/Getty

At the event, King posed with co-stars Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron. Kidman, 56, opted for a flesh-colored strapless dress and choker necklace. She then added a black blazer to her ensemble. Efron, 36, looked dapper in a gray suit with a black shirt underneath and black dress shoes.

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In the Netflix film, which hits the streaming service on June 28, King plays Zara, the daughter of Kidman's character and assistant to movie star Chris Cole (played by Efron). After Chris's behavior causes Zara to quit her job, she discovers that her widowed mother had a romantic relationship with her former boss.

A family matterdirected byPS I love you Richard LaGravenese, also stars Liza Koshy and Kathy Bates.

“She’s spectacular,” King told PEOPLE at the premiere of her collaboration with Kidman. “She is such a force and such an angel. I mean, she is such a special human being and I couldn't be more grateful that she is as warm as she is and as giving, and everything about her is truly so impressive, especially how down to earth she is.”




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