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The ability to merge fashion and hospitality is such an exciting thing

The ability to merge fashion and hospitality is such an exciting thing


Inspired by a long editorial career, most recently as editor-in-chief at Elle Décor, Whitney Robinson now works with the brightest minds in fashion, design and architecture to develop hospitality and café venues straight out of a magazine.

Whitney Robinson (left) and world-renowned fashion and lifestyle magazine ELLE | Photo credit: Whitney Robinson International / David Allen

As a child in New York, Whitney Robinson enjoyed a fudge sundae at Rumpelmayera now-closed desert cafe and lounge, full of ostentatious Egyptian Revival interiors, shiny silver hot chocolate pots and giant teddy bears.

Looking back, the old ELLE Decor Editor-in-chief and now founder of design agency Whitney Robinson International remembers these moments fondly as key formative experiences that shaped his 20-year career in publishing, fashion and design. “All my work is inspired in one way or another by New York,” he says.

Design, interiors and hospitality have been ingrained in Robinson’s DNA ever since. During a 15-year editorial career, Robinson rose through the ranks at Hearst, starting as an associate editor at House Beautiful and then moving to the top spot at the globally influential interior design magazine, Elle Dcor.

“The magazine was a way for me to travel the world and meet the greatest thinkers, creators and designers,” says Robinson, reflecting on the “golden age” of print publications in the early 2000s.

After having left Elle Decor in 2020, Robinson today applies his passion for design and fashion to a multitude of hospitality projects around the world through Whitney Robinson International.

Interior of Café ELLE at VIA Riyadh, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Photo credit: Whitney Robinson International / David Allen

The luxury design and fashion consultancy is a collective of designers, editors, architects, marketers, artists and creators who have worked with the most prestigious brands in fashion, hospitality and real estate. Its high-end clients include luxury hotels Fairmont and Raffles, and the agency currently manages projects in Mexico, Qatar, Slovenia and the United States.

Among them is ELLE Hospitality, a collaboration with the famous lifestyle magazine ELLE which gave birth to Caf ELLE. Robinson has also partnered with American fashion house Ralph Lauren to develop its exclusive coffee concept, Ralph's Coffee, in the Middle East and with Culture Pass Club, a private members-only venue in Qatar.

“What I do isn't that different from my job as a magazine editor: I look for really cool brands in design and fashion. We do everything from idea incubation, ideation, and building physical brands.

Whitney Robinson International holds the global license for Caf ELLE and is expanding the concept across the Middle East and Americas via café and hotel projects. The first Caf ELLE opened as part of the VIA Riyadh luxury hospitality and entertainment development in June 2023, in partnership with boutique hotel group Cool Inc.

“Caf ELLE is an upscale café inspired by all of our favorite fashion spots around the world,” says Robinson. Taking design inspiration from traditional Parisian cafés – including an extensive pastry menu – Café ELLE also reflects contemporary Saudi design with sophisticated yet understated interiors. Designed as a casual, all-day dining venue, the menu features health-focused small plates, afternoon tea and a full line of premium espresso-based drinks. A second location in Doha, Qatar is also currently in development.

As Robinson recalls, his first involvement with ELLE Caf, as it was then called, was launching the concept at New York's Plaza Hotel in 2019 while still at Hearst. “It got a huge response. Brooke Shields was even there – it was an incredible moment,” he says.

“The ability to merge fashion and hospitality is such an exciting thing”

If the Café ELLE was a great success, 2020 was marked by the pandemic and the temporary closure of the Plaza hotel. Like so many hospitality establishments, the project was put on hold, “but it gave me the seed of the idea that the magazine has the ability to unearth the coolest chefs, the greatest collaborations with really cool brands.” , explains Robinson.

“The possibility of merging fashion and hospitality is such an exciting thing. ELLE is a global brand with around sixty editions in as many countries, but it also thinks very locally. Since the 1940s it has been synonymous with lifestyle and empowerment and I wanted to bring that philosophy to a physical location.

With this in mind, Whitney Robinson International introduced Ralph's Coffee to Qatar in 2020, its first location in the Middle East. Alongside a mobile coffee bar that visited key cultural destinations including the iconic National Museum of Qatar and the contemporary art space at the Doha Fire Station, the Robinson Agency also worked on the development of Ralph's Coffee at Hamad International Airport.

“Doha is so interesting because it is at the intersection of East and West. The offerings, especially from an F&B perspective, are truly global, in a way that you don't really see in New York, London, Paris or Sydney, which tend to be very Europe-centric. The neighborhood we’re based in is full of coffees from all over the world – from traditional Italian espresso to the latest brands from Tokyo or Los Angeles,” says Robinson.

As for the future, Whitney Robinson International plans to open additional locations for Caf ELLE in Kuwait City, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Doha – with India and Morocco also in the agency's sights.

Wherever a new project takes him, Robinson believes that thoughtful, locally inspired design is fundamental to delivering memorable – and enjoyable – hospitality experiences.

“The best design makes you feel something. It can make you more productive, change your mood, make you happy and inspire you in many different ways.

This article was first published in Issue 19 of 5THWAVE magazine.

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