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Sofia Morin, a graduate in endurance, finds success in the local and New York fashion sector…

Sofia Morin, a graduate in endurance, finds success in the local and New York fashion sector…


FROM MENOMONIE TO STEVE MADDEN.  UW-Stout graduate Sofia Morin has been showcasing her inspired artisanal leatherwork to the region and beyond, ready to take New York by storm after accepting a position with Steve Madden.  (Photo by Charlie Flatten)

FROM MENOMONIE TO STEVE MADDEN. UW-Stout graduate Sofia Morin has been showcasing her inspired artisanal leather work across the region and beyond, and she's about to take New York by storm after accepting a position with Steve Madden. (Photo by Charlie Flatten)

From Menomonie to the Big Apple, Sofia Morin, recent UW-Stout graduate made a name for himself in the world of New York fashion by perfecting his niche: leatherwork.

When she decided where she wanted to continue her education after high school in Buffalo, Minnesota, and mentioned her interest in fashion to her mother, her mother suggested she look at UW-Stout as an option. “My mother was the guiding force,” Morin said. “(Stout) was a close place to explore fashion and I loved the small class sizes and possible connections with alumni.”

After her sophomore year at UW-Stout majoring in fashion and retail design and development and minoring in contemporary art metals and jewelry, Morin was living back in Buffalo for the summer and met Cuddigan Leather, a leather goods company based in Maple Lake. . Founder and designer, Jennifer Smail, was a self-taught leatherworker who agreed to serve as Morin's mentor during the summer.

“I found that with clothes I felt really restricted. I didn’t feel inspired by the materials,” Morin explained. “With leatherwork, I found that looking at and touching different textures and seeing how leather drapes and the shapes you can create inspired me a lot more.”

Images and graphics via

Images and graphics of Morin's work for designer Elena Valez (via

Between his junior and senior years at UW-Stout, Morin decided to take his talents to New York. She applied for and accepted an internship with popular fashion giant Steve Madden, learning to design handbags and accessories for the Anne Klein brand.

During her last month in New York, Morin reached out to Elena Valez — a Milwaukee native turned New York fashion designer — hoping to get advice from a fellow cheesehead. Morin then interned at Valez, creating mood boards and small garments. When Morin mentioned his experience working with leather, Valez asked him to design a handbag for his spring 2024 collection that was presented during a runway show. The bag – nicknamed “Monster Bag” – was hand-sewn and made from transparent horse leather and goat hair. “It was out of style, but it showed me that not only can I design for myself, but I can design for anyone,” Morin said.

His latest fashion collection, created for the Stout WEAR Show and presented at the second Eau Claire Fashion Night on April 13, is inspired by golf history and features classic roles in American golf culture: the caddy, the golfer, the groundskeeper, the girl with the cart and the member's wife. Morin created bags and other accessories for each role, each crafted with incredible care – pieces like an oversized golf bag for The Caddy, a woven bag that can hold golf balls for The Golfer, a pouch made of golf gloves golf for The Groundskeeper, and more.

Morin at Eau Claire Fashion Night.  (Photos by Evelyn Nelson)

Morin at Eau Claire Fashion Night. (Photos by Evelyn Nelson)

In addition to his leatherworking and fashion design endeavors, Morin enjoys expressing himself artistically through sculpture. One piece in particular, called “The Lollipop Method,” is a sculpture made from 12 yards of jersey knit and PolyFil, all colored with purple and brown dye. Morin says it was created to symbolize his experience with plastic surgery and the stigma surrounding it, often causing patients shame, regardless of the intention behind the surgery.

Morin says she started sculpting at UW-Stout through her classes, but quickly discovered it was another great avenue for personal artistic expression. “(Sculpture) helped me think about the purpose of my work and not just creating,” Morin said. “It made me think about why you choose certain materials and how my story comes into play.”

After a successful college stint and an impressive resume, Morin will now put his talents to use in New York full-time. After graduating, she was offered a job at Steve Madden as an accessories designer. She will create pieces such as belts, headwear, scarves, shawls and much more. Even with her new full-time job, she hopes to continue designing and selling products from her own lines, which include bags and other leather goods.

Discover the full scope of Sofia Morin's work and learn more about her at




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