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In “The Bridgerton Chronicles”, Francesca's wedding dress was a pure delight

In “The Bridgerton Chronicles”, Francesca's wedding dress was a pure delight


Spoilers for The Bridgerton Chronicles Season 3, Part 2 coming soon. If you've already seen the highly anticipated second half of The Bridgerton Chronicles Season 3, you probably already want more. Unfortunately, fans have a long wait ahead of them two years, to be exact before the premieres of the next season. Fortunately, Season 3 Part 2 was jam-packed. With only four episodes, the Netflix release still managed to include not one, but two Bridgerton Weddings.

After Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington's big nuptials in episode 7, his sister Francesca married John Stirling, Earl of Kilmartin, in a more intimate ceremony. There was nothing basic about her bridal look, however, which was a pure dream creation with the most intricate details.

Francescas transparent wedding dress

The newlyweds had an unprecedented courtship in the The Bridgerton Chronicles universe. Unlike the rest of couples' romances, which had dramatic, messy twists and turns (like marrying your fiancé's sister), Francesca and John's romance was full of quiet moments (sometimes literally) and easy chemistry.

Naturally, their marriage was just as simple. The couple got married at home in the presence of their closest family and friends. Against the backdrop of something so streamlined, Francesca's wedding dress stole the show.

Victor Alli as John Stirling, Hannah Dodd as Francesca Bridgerton in season 3 of 'Bridgerton'.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Her ivory bridal number featured a strapless bodice with a sheer overlay. Regency era fashion was much more conservative, so sheer details were a risky choice for the era. The translucent polka dot fabric wrapped around her torso and sleeves and featured a pleated collar that plunged into a V-neckline. It was cinched by an empire-cut embroidered detail before the textured fabric flowed into a skirt trapeze.

    Victor Alli as John Stirling, Hannah Dodd as Francesca Bridgerton

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Intricate beadwork was done on her shoulders and around the hem of her skirt, which matched her wedding ring perfectly (more on that later).

Victor Alli as John Stirling, Hannah Dodd as Francesca Bridgerton in season 3 of 'Bridgerton'.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Look at his wedding ring

Although fans didn't see John gift Francesca a wedding ring, Francesca wore hers during her nuptials. The jewelry featured four pearly orbs in a circle, with a stone in the center. They were flanked by a stone on each side and held in place by a golden ring.

Victor Alli as John Stirling, Hannah Dodd as Francesca Bridgerton in season 3 of 'Bridgerton'.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Receiving (or giving) a pearl-laden wedding ring is a time-honored Bridgerton tradition. Since Violet, the matriarch of the family, received one from Edmund for her wedding, all of her children have been married in a similar style. In fact, Francesca's ring is almost identical to the ones Daphne, Kate and Penelope own.

Francesca further highlighted her wedding ring by accessorizing around it. Apart from the embroidery on her dress, she also adorned her look with a pearl necklace and diamond studs with a simple pearl drop. This was coordination at its finest.

Her complex bun

Francesca made another non-traditional bridal choice by foregoing wearing the veil. Instead, she twisted and tied her hair into an intricate bun accented with crystal-encrusted floral bobby pins.

While the bride blushed, her makeup was rosy, with a rosy blush on her cheeks, eyes, and lips.

Victor Alli as John Stirling, Hannah Dodd as Francesca Bridgerton in season 3 of 'Bridgerton'.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

The countdown to season 4 begins.




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