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Moschino spring/summer 2025 at Milan Fashion Week

Moschino spring/summer 2025 at Milan Fashion Week


Milan Fashion Week has officially begun and Moschino by Adrian Appiolaza is putting a quirky twist on this serious fashion event. While it was a slow start, the creative director's debut menswear collection was there to get the party started. With plenty to live up to, Appiolaza didn't disappoint, showcasing Moschino's signature pieces for Spring/Summer 2025.

The Italian sun bathed Moschino's open-air room, adorned with charming wooden chairs and piles of luggage of all shapes and sizes. Digital heartbeats set the pace, transitioning into classic local songs before colliding with club-ready techno beats. Moschino's “LOST AND FOUND” collection was a playful reflection of ordinary citizens traveling from the city to the office, pizzerias and football matches, while breaking the rules of traditional daily uniforms.

The co-ed collection featured SS25 menswear and Resort 2025 womenswear, walking side by side while completely self-contained. The first look was filled with mystery, featuring an oversized trench coat and dramatic top hat. Survival gear was packed with on-the-go essentials, adorned with dozens of pockets to carry, key cards, pens, phones, credit cards and more. Sunnyside-up eggs were cracked over genderless pinstripe suits, while Italian cuisine sizzled over pizza and watermelon pockets. Illustrative notes were pinned to tight outerwear, shredding coats like documents discarded in an attempt to escape the midday slump.

Italian flag colors red, white and green landed on mixed looks with bouncy soccer prints woven into knits meant for the pitch. Silk shirts lined with Colosseum-inspired architecture with an antique feel, heading to the seaside in cascading pressed blazers with dangling gingham accents. Elsewhere, models emerged from the shower wearing bathrobes and crescent-shaped accessories, getting ready for the show while taking Moschino toiletry bags down the catwalk. Appiolaza's final looks were an homage to the Italian summer of the 1990s, dreaming of the countryside with loose jumpsuits, ruffled floral skirts and animal graphics that completed the collection.

Take a closer look at Moschino's SS25 and Resort 2025 collections in the gallery above and stay tuned for more Milan Fashion Week content on Hypebeast.




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