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From A$AP Rocky to Steve Harvey, here are our fashion teams' favorite fashion dads

From A$AP Rocky to Steve Harvey, here are our fashion teams' favorite fashion dads


From A$AP Rocky to Steve Harvey, here are our fashion teams' favorite fashion dads

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Today's Black fathers are important pillars in our communities. They taught us valuable life lessons about confidence, hard work, emotions and how to express them. HAS ESSENCE, Black fathers are celebrated every day, but in honor of Father's Day, our fashion team had to highlight a few famous dads who make fatherhood look really good. From actors to singers, athletes to rappers, these dads are in the spotlight when it comes to style.

A$AP Rocky's style has always been remarkable, but since having his two sons, we've seen a new style blossom in him. It is practical and functional without compromising its true personality, just like its partner Rihanna. During this time, we've seen Andre 3000's funky style continue to be decidedly unique with his vibrant color choices fused with classic silhouettes. Basketball stars Dwayne Wade and LeBron James have come a long way with their personal red carpet looks, and seeing them with their growing family outside is inspiring. Music maven Swizz Beatz has been showing off and showing off lately with looks straight off the Balmain runways. Maybe it's Alicia Keyss doing it, but either way, it looks chic.

Pharrell Williams and Jay-Z have cemented their place as cool, stylish dads. Both have come a long way from their early '90s looks of baggy clothing, side hats, and big, shimmering chains. Kendrick Lamar is another father we admire, especially for his support of black women-owned brands like Martine Rose and Wales Bonner, which he even mentioned in his hit single The Hillbillies with his cousin Baby Keem. Will Smith's entire family, right down to Willow and Jaden, is very fashionable. Their red carpet appearances are always filled with elaborate outfits with Will matching the energy perfectly.

And the dads we all fell for at some point, Denzel Washington and Idris Elba, are aging like fine wine. Washington's early career featured a timeless style. From his baseball caps and structured pants to his high school leather jackets, he always seemed like a cool dad to his kids. Elba and her daughter Isan always warm our hearts with their red carpet appearances. They consistently manage to look like a unified duo while maintaining their personal styles. Last but not least, “Mr. Put It On” himself, Steve Harvey, is undoubtedly a fashion icon. His looks from recent years, between colorful suits, shiny moccasins, long coats and ties from time to time, have remained engraved in our memory. He is able to transcend generations with his style and remain true to his authentic expression. Keep scrolling to see the fashion celebrities dads were obsessed with.




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