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OTAA unveils “The best ties in the world”

OTAA unveils “The best ties in the world”


OTAA launches a new collection of stylish, high-quality men's accessories.

Victoria, Australia–(Newsfile Corp. – June 14, 2024) – OTAA, a distinguished leader in the world of men's fashion, is delighted to announce the launch of its new range of men's accessories. Renowned for its exquisite line of ties, bow ties, cufflinks and pocket squares, OTAA makes “the best ties in the world,” according to Jesse Watter, a prominent Fox News anchor. Shop their collection of ties for men.

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This collection heralds a new era of fashion for the demanding man. Each accessory has been meticulously designed to embody both traditional charm and contemporary chic. “Our new range is inspired by the modern gentleman who appreciates fine craftsmanship combined with functional design,” says Fameez Haroon, founder of OTAA. The collection is carefully curated to include a variety of designs, ensuring there is something perfect for every occasion, from business meetings to casual outings and formal events.

OTAA has always been synonymous with quality, and this new collection is no exception. Each piece is made from the highest quality materials sourced from around the world, ensuring every detail is perfect. Fabrics are chosen not only for their appearance but also for their durability and feel. “We believe our customers are looking for more than just aesthetic appeal; they are looking for accessories that last, offering both comfort and style,” says Mr. Haroon.

OTAA's commitment to excellence has been recognized globally, with features in prestigious publications like GQ. This recognition underlines the brand's position in the fashion industry as a reference in men's accessories. The new collection is expected to continue this legacy, attracting both existing fans and new customers looking to elevate their wardrobe with pieces that are both elegant and sophisticated.

Understanding the needs of its customers, OTAA offers free delivery Australia-wide, ensuring the latest trends are accessible to everyone without the burden of additional costs. Additionally, the user-friendly website provides a seamless shopping experience, with detailed descriptions and styling tips for each product.

In an effort to contribute positively to the environment, OTAA prides itself on its sustainable practices. The new collection emphasizes not only the aesthetic and functional aspects of the accessories, but also their ecological qualities. Production processes are designed to minimize waste and reduce environmental impact, in line with the growing demand for sustainable fashion choices.

About OTAA

Founded by Fameez Haroon, OTAA is a premium menswear brand based in Dandenong South, Victoria, Australia. Passionate about design and quality, OTAA has become a key player on the global fashion scene, specializing in men's accessories combining traditional know-how and modern innovation. OTAA products are a wardrobe staple for fashion-forward people around the world, reflecting a philosophy that great style begins with great accessories.

For more information, to request samples, or to schedule an interview with Fameez Haroon, please contact:

Media details:

Business: TAKE IT
Contact person: Fameez Haroon
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 1800 531 670
Location: Dandenong South, Victoria
Country: Australia


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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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