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Men in suits

Men in suits


I love a wedding. I cry at the tender wishes; I swooned at the sight of a beautiful chuppah; my heart breaks at the sound of crushed glass. And then it’s party time! It's the only time women of a certain age can dress up in sparkly dresses and twirl on the dance floor all night, even if it's together. The bride is here main dish. A grown woman putting all her hopes and dreams into a fancy dress with a medieval veil for a night out makes me very emotional.

The men are superb too. I love seeing them shaved, bathed and dressed in suits, with neatly buttoned shirts and silk ties around their necks. They look so neat and uniform, like tycoons or politicians. Everyone knows that all men over 20 look better in suits. Except maybe Brad Pitt, who I prefer shirtless in sports shorts.

Which begs the question, why did costumes disappear except as wedding attire? Blame it on COVID, casual Fridays, or gender fluidity. I blame Larry David. Didn't his grumpy character inspire retired men of a certain age (old) to shed their adult clothes and start dressing like college kids? When my husband Fred opted for saggy sweatpants, slogan T-shirts, and gray hoodies, I saw the writing on the wall. Either he no longer cared about his appearance, or he was aging backwards like Benjamin Button. (Forgive my obsession with Brad Pitt.)

I blame Larry David.

An informal poll tells me that Fred is not unique. Friends report retired lawyers, accountants, and marketing executives wearing hideous things like synthetic travel pants with zippered pockets, shredded jeans, '70s rock concert T-shirts, and sweatpants. ample hiking. The stains, of course, are set in. Then there's Fred's beloved baseball cap collection. For complete comfort, he prefers to wear his vintage caps backwards at the dinner table, a look I abandoned when my teenage sons were still at home. He believes that if John Fetterman could be elected to the Senate, it must have been a legitimate step for an adult.

To be honest, Fred was never a slick guy. In his professional life, his fashion icon was Columbo, the ever-crumpled television detective Peter Falks. In fact, he wore a rumpled trench coat on our first date. Early in his career as an investigative journalist, he bought a few Brooks Brothers suits, powder blue button-down Oxford shirts (stiff and machine washable), and loafers, an envious preppy look. Tweed jackets with patches eventually replaced suits. In the '90s, he jumped on the casual Friday bandwagon with abandon. In truth, he always seemed like a man who had more important things to do than think about what to wear. I'm not sure what those things were, but his unapologetic seriousness was cute.

I should mention that unlike many of my friends, I decided early on not to give my husband a makeover. I made subtle suggestions with softer shirts, thin imported ties, and a slim puffer jacket from Patagonia. But I decided I was busy enough working full time and raising two sons without adding it to my to-do list. I bit my tongue when we went to elegant events. Saville Row tailor Simon Cundey summed up my feelings in The Guardian: When your wife gets dressed and you wear a hoodie and sweatshirt, are they happy with you?

Ten years into his active retirement from kicking a ball and hiking, I'm shocked to find that my husband's look is changing. Suddenly he thinks about clothes and even shopping! After years of ignoring my suggestions, he finally looked in the mirror and saw how oddly incompatible we looked. On his own, he founded Bonobos, a shirt company that made several lengths, Lululemon for athleisure and finally, a boutique in the Valley specializing in tailoring for small men. Now even his jeans look good on him! I express my gratitude with many words of praise.

When it comes to neglectful husbands, never give up. The good news reported by Guy Trebay in Le New York Times Recently, four centuries after the evolution of suits began, the foolproof combination of a jacket and pants in matching fabrics seems more vital than ever.

Now if my friends' adult children got married, we could all dress up again!

Los Angeles food writer Helene Siegel is the author of 40 cookbooks, including the Totally Cookbook series and Pure Chocolate. She runs the Pastry Session blog.




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