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Kate Middleton steps out in a white dress to show off the color

Kate Middleton steps out in a white dress to show off the color


LONDON — Kate Middleton stepped out for her first public appearance this year at Trooping the Color.

The Princess of Wales wore a white dress at the annual event which takes place on Horse Guards Parade near the City of Westminster.

The dress features a black and white bow to match her wide white brimmed hat and white pearl earrings by Cassandra Goad which the princess previously wore to Prince Louis' christening in 2019 and to the final singles ceremony Wimbledon 2023 women's tournament.

Her last public appearance as a member of the British royal family took place on Christmas Day last year.

Catherine of Great Britain, Princess of Wales (R), arrives with Prince William, Prince of Wales of Great Britain (rear 3rdR) and their children Prince George of Wales of Great Britain (2ndR) and Prince Louis of Great Britain Wales (C) at Buckingham Palace before the King's Birthday Parade

Catherine, Princess of Wales, with Prince William, Prince of Wales, their children on their way to Buckingham Palace ahead of the Trooping the Color parade.

AFP via Getty Images

On Friday, the princess took to social media to share the news of her slow return to the public eye. In a statement, she expressed gratitude for the support she received and provided an update on her health.

“I have been blown away by all the kind messages of support and encouragement over the last few months. It really made all the difference to William and I and helped us both get through some of the toughest times,” she said.

Her statement also featured a photo of the Princess of Wales dressed in dark blue jeans, a white shirt and a taupe blazer, standing outside near a large tree and looking up into the sky. The image was captured by photographer Matt Porteous.

Trooping the Color is a key affair for the royal family and is often a celebration.

The event, which often takes place in June, is a parade that commemorates and celebrates the monarch's birthday.

LONDON, ENGLAND – JUNE 17: Catherine, Princess of Wales is seen during Trooping the Color on June 17, 2023 in London, England.  Trooping the Color is a traditional parade held to mark the official birthday of the British sovereign.  This will be the first Trooping the Color organized for King Charles III since his accession to the throne.  (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

Catherine, Princess of Wales at Trooping the Color in 2023.

Getty Images

The Princess of Wales often supports local Trooping the Color designers such as Stella McCartney, Erdem and Alexander McQueen, but last year she made a surprising choice by wearing an Andrew Gn design.

She wore an emerald green coat dress with satin trim to represent her role as Colonel of the Irish Guards, with a matching hat by Philip Treacy.

The dress featured blue jewelry to match her sapphire engagement ring and earrings that belonged to the late Diana, Princess of Wales.

Below, see more of Kate Middleton's style on Trooping of the Color over the years.




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