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Markarian Resort 2025 Collection | Vogue

Markarian Resort 2025 Collection |  Vogue


Before editors even entered the Manhattan showroom where Markarian designer Alexandra O'Neill was presenting her latest collection, there was a hint of her inspiration in the form of a pop-meets-disco playlist that could be heard from the exterior corridor.

I wanted to create a collection that was very holiday-friendly, fun and festive, O'Neill said, so I looked to Cher in the '70s. The influence was evident in a wavy psychedelic print on crinkled silk chiffon that ONeill transformed into an A-line mini dress, beaded cropped blouse and A-line skirt. Sequin dresses, one in dark green with an attached silk scarf, and another in burgundy with a ruffled car wash hem were among the party looks, along with a periwinkle satin dress with a sequin overlay in cage. Markarian's most recent version was a flared blazer adorned with bright red crystals and matching hot shorts. It seems very performance-based, O'Neill said, taking his time to find the right description. It's something you could wear on stage.

Staying true to its core collection, a handful of pieces that Markarian has offered since its launch in 2017, ONeill has given the silhouettes new colors and textures. This season's corseted Apple dress was a really cute pink and red polka dot cloqu version with a full skirt and little red bows, she said.

While much of the collection fulfilled ONeill's '70s fashion dreams, an embroidered pashmina added a touch of early nostalgia. It's hard to find a stylish evening jacket or coat that fits your wardrobe, so we included a scarf to accompany many looks, she said, noting that the piece brings back memories for her and her friends. We are girls from the pashmina generation. When I was little, my mother always said to me: “Do you have your pashmina with you?”




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