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Kate Middleton wears an extraordinary white dress with a symbolic brooch for Trooping the Color; here's why

Kate Middleton wears an extraordinary white dress with a symbolic brooch for Trooping the Color;  here's why


Kate Middleton stepped out to attend King Charles' birthday celebrations in an “extraordinary” outfit on Saturday. She looked stunning during her first royal appearance in 2024, alongside Prince William and their three children.

Kate Middleton wore the same dress she wore to attend King Charles' coronation in May 2023. (Getty)
Kate Middleton wore the same dress she wore to attend King Charles' coronation in May 2023. (Getty)

For Trooping the Color, the Princess of Wales chose to wear Jenny Packham's white dress with black details. She accessorized the look with a matching black and white hat by Philip Treacey, white stilettos and a black handbag. In tribute to her role as honorary colonel of the Irish Guards, Kate accessorized the dress with an Irish Guards brooch.

Kate was seen in the same dress she wore to attend King Charles' coronation in May 2023.

GB News host Ellie Costello praised the princess' choice of colors while talking about her ensemble and described her return to the royal spotlight as “extraordinary”.

British journalist Andrew Pierce reacted when the Welsh family got off the royal carriage by saying: And there she is, the Princess of Wales. White shoes, white outfit, fabulous hat. She looks thin, but she is still thin.

Andrew praised Kate for her decision to dress in white for the event, saying she “wants to be seen” during her poignant return to the public eye.

“She wore white to make sure she was seen. And that was the queen's maxim, wasn't it? Visibility,” he noted.

Stressing that the royal family is all about visibility, Andrew mentioned that it was wonderful to see the family together.

Kate Middleton arriving at Horse Guards Parade for the procession (REUTERS)
Kate Middleton arriving at Horse Guards Parade for the procession (REUTERS)

Kate and her daughter color coordinated their outfits

In a heartwarming mother-daughter tribute, Kate and Princess Charlotte color coordinated their outfits to attend the nautical-themed royal event.

Meanwhile, Queen Camilla was seen greeting the king from a separate car. She wore an Anna Valentine dress and a hat designed by Philip Treacy. The Queen accessorized her look with a pearl necklace and her Grenadier Guards military brooch.

Read also: Kate Middleton's instructions to children revealed as Prince Louis steals the show at royal event with dancing

Kate issues major update on her health and return to royal duties

Kate's royal appearance comes after she admitted in a heartfelt statement Friday that she was experiencing ups and downs while undergoing preventative chemotherapy.

The princess acknowledged she was not out of the woods yet, but said she had returned to light responsibilities and would help her three children with their studies when she was well enough.

Kate expressed her deep gratitude to the public for their support, saying she was “blown away” by the “kind messages” which had “made all the difference to William and I and helped us both through some more difficult times “.

Kate has participated in Trooping the Color every year since Prince William exchanged vows in 2011, with the exception of 2020 and 2021, when the event was canceled due to the Covid outbreak.




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