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The best white shirts for men

The best white shirts for men


Photo-Illustration: The strategist; Photos: Retailers

While it may be a trope to call a piece of clothing versatile, the white button-down shirt is nothing if not versatile. While it's not as basic as a white tee or the classic Hanes tank, it can be worn for an almost endless variety of occasions, from a job interview to a wedding, easily dressed down. dressy or casual depending on your needs.

As my college rabbi once told me, true style shines through when you have to wear the same thing as everyone else. Which, unlike him, is not the case. But you need a good white shirt. So to clarify the best options, I asked 11 cool people for their favorites.

Uniqlo Super Non-Iron Slim Fit Long Sleeve Shirt

The biggest misconception about dress shirts is that loose or excess fabrics are bad, says Sam Vita, actor and style advisor at Supply of costumes. Many men want their shirts to be as slim as possible, but mobility is very important.

For Vita, the shirt that best realizes the trinity is the Uniqlo Slim Fit Non-Iron Long Sleeve Shirt. Although marketed as oversized, he says it is very flattering on men's bodies, a hybrid between a slim fit and a Japanese streetwear fit. Belt, loafers and a cropped bomber jacket and you're ready to get into some simple mixing.

This sentiment was shared by Marcus Maddox, a New York-based artist and artist. fashion photographer. What makes a good white shirt is high-quality materials, he says. I want it to be quite substantial, to be thick. So, for less than $45, the Uniqlo white button down is unrivaled. Just tuck it into pants with a cropped jacket, he says, or button it up with a tie.

Banana Republic Premium Poplin Slim Fit Dress Shirt

Very good deal

Actor George Olesky says that Banana Republic Standard Poplin Dress Shirt is the way to go. The shoulder seam just sticks out past the shoulder, he says, and the collar isn't hideous like most white shirts. You can roll the cuffs up without bulk, and even the big pockets seem well placed. Olesky says he bought his shirt at Lot Less for $8, but you can also buy a new one for cheap. He wears it tucked in with a thin, subtle belt and chunky boots, with a bit of fabric pulled above his hips, so when he moves, the shirt doesn't ride up.

Olive Clothing - Dwell Box Shirt

Maddox also says his favorite everyday shirt is the Stay Box Shirt from British menswear brand Olive Clothing, a true ode to the oversized button-down shirt. They have very good quality cotton, he said. And all parts last a long time. The shirt has a wide collar with oversized long sleeves, so Maddox wears the top two buttons undone with a white tank top underneath. I wear it on set often, he says, because it's substantial and doesn't look cheap.

Dickies Long Sleeve Work Shirt

For the New Jersey-based singer and designer SensationalTHE Dickies Work Shirt is a must. It's ultra comfortable and lightweight, but also durable because it's used for workwear, he says. With a big belt buckle layered over a jacket, you get that classic '90s oversized feel, he adds. It's reliable, but it's also perfect for the club.

Brooks Brothers No-Iron Button-Down Stretch Oxford Sport Shirt

Playwright Matthieu Gasda said one Brooks Brothers No-Iron Oxford is the ticket. It's sweet, simple and classic, he says, an homage to writers like Mary McCarthy, who wrote about the brand in the 1950s. If you've attended one of Gasda's plays in the living room, you may have encountered him in a button-down shirt with a bookish, semi-formal look: paired with a tweed jacket and corduroys. He prefers to save. It's always fun to find one in good condition, he said, but he also sometimes buys new ones.

Ralph Lauren The iconic Oxford shirt

The reference from Jon Feldman, owner of a vintage store based in Williamsburg Main street premisesis the Ralph Lauren Classic Oxford. It's really hard to go back, he said. For Feldman, a white oxford tucked into a denim sport coat is classic cool like Billy Crystal, but in a cool way. Many of us remember our fathers wearing Ralph Lauren Oxfords back in the day, he says, which gives the shirt an old, vintage feel. You can dress it up or down and get a more boxy early 80s look.

Snow Peak organic cotton poplin shirt

For Robert Bolton, founder of the trend forecasting studio From laterthe best heavier button is the Snow Peak cotton poplin. It's actually a Japanese camping brand, he says, which mainly sells gear. But it also sells stylish, lightweight clothing that's equally at home during a strategy session or on the top of a mountain. It's like carrying a multi-tool, Bolton says, adding that the fabric is incredibly soft and fits close to the body to seal in heat. It also has two side pockets, making it perfect for traveling.

White Eton Twill Signature Shirt

Two separate people reported the Eton signature twill. I like the stiffness of the collar and cuffs, said Dalya true, fashion writer and founder of the jewelry brand Tutti Bene. It makes me look like a rich banker, and my outfit looks much more polished and expensive than it is.

Vita of Suit Supply agrees. He says that the fabric for the Royal Oxford sold by Suit Supply comes from Eton, so if he ever runs out of fabric, he just sends customers to his store.

Lady White Co. Button-Down Jersey

Benor also recommends the Lady White buttoned jersey and the Cobra Model 1, two fashion brands based in Los Angeles. My boyfriend, artist Adam Alessi, has both of these shirts in his closet, she says, adding that he's much more casual and no-fuss when it comes to style. The quality is unmatched, she says, and in our household, clothes are a two-for-one deal: I wear these items as much as Adam.

Balenciaga Cocoon Shirt

When it comes to special occasion shirts, some say you should never spend more than $200. Even with protective chemicals, a white shirt will still eventually turn yellow from sweat, Vita says.

But for Geoffrey Mak, fashion writer and author of Bad boys, pragmatism is not really the issue. This is why it vibrates the Cocoon Shirt in White by Balenciaga. The texture is breathable but thick enough that you can't see the lines of my undershirt, he says. It has the logo, embroidered in white, on the reverse, next to a sauce stain that never came out of the dry cleaners. And what's a shirt without a battle scar or two? » adds Mak. If you don't have one, you're not having enough fun.

100 Hands Essential White Shirt

According to David Soroudi, a patented white button connoisseur and real estate finance manager based in Los Angeles, when you're buying at the high end of the market, you need to know that it's more like buying a work of art than buying a piece of art. to a practical garment. It's a totally different animal, he said. And for that, handmade 100 Hands Essential White Button is unmatched. Even the long seams are done by hand, he says, which is absurd. Soroudi bought it at a rummage sale: I promise I didn't spend $400 on a shirt.

Express Slim dress shirt, plain, wrinkle-resistant, everyday performance

New York-based model Shaminder Biring said he shook the Everyday Dress Shirt from Express for almost 15 years. It's machine washable and its classic slim fit is neither too rough nor too soft. It's so good, he said. With dark blue jeans, or a suit and tie, it's a great combo on set or even in a business meeting: a perfect amount of fabric for a suit or something more casual, says Biring .

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