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Woman warns bride against low-cut wedding dress for conservative family

Woman warns bride against low-cut wedding dress for conservative family


A bride-to-be is furious after her future sister-in-law warned her their “conservative” family would not approve of her wedding dress.

On Sunday, June 9, the groom's sister shared her dilemma on Reddit's popular Am I the A——? forumwhere she wondered if she had overstepped the bounds of her future in-laws.

“My brother is getting married soon and his fiancée picked out a very revealing wedding dress,” the Reddit user wrote. “It’s low-cut, with a thigh-high slit and a sheer back.”

“I'm all for people wearing what they want,” she added, before noting that her family is “pretty conservative and opinionated” and that she thought they would disagree with this outfit.

“I know this dress is going to cause a lot of drama, especially with our grandparents (talking to people leaving the wedding),” the writer continued. “I made sure to make it clear that I absolutely respected her choice and her special day, but I wanted to at least warn her of what might happen.”

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“She was very upset and said it was her wedding and she had to wear whatever she wanted.”
she later wrote, adding that her brother was also upset by her suggestion and accused her of trying to interfere in the wedding planning.

“Some family members think I was just looking out for her, while others say I crossed the line,” she concluded her post. “AITA for telling my brother’s fiancé that her wedding dress might be inappropriate for our conservative family?”

A woman warns her brothers' fiancé that her low-cut wedding dress could cause problems for their conservative family.


The post sparked a flurry of discussion on Reddit, with several people suggesting the original poster was wrong.

“It would have been time to mention it before going shopping,” one user wrote in response to her question, pointing out that although the sister-in-law thinks her grandparents would make a big deal about a revealing dress, it is just one I guess they'll storm out of the ceremony.

“If she has already chosen the dress, she is likely emotionally and financially invested in it,” they added. “It's not something she can easily change. It seems a little controlling to come up to her now after finding the dress she likes and tell her she made the wrong choice.”

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Other commenters agreed, adding that this was a question that should have been raised well before the bride went shopping.

“You're over a mile,” another Reddit user wrote. “If people decide to opt out of the wedding because of the bride's choice of wedding dress, good riddance.”

“A wedding is the celebration of the union of two people. If guests go out over the bride's dress, they are attending for the wrong reasons,” they added.




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