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The children are doing more than well

The children are doing more than well


It will be MSGM to the nth degree, Massimo Giorgetti promised about his latest collection in preview with WWD.

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It must be noted that he is a man of his word, as the vibrant show he put on on Saturday hit all the right notes. Literally, with a soundtrack ending with MGMT's 2007 hit Kids, it's a perfect manifesto for the brand and served the Millennials in attendance at the show with a breakfast dose of nostalgia. But also metaphorically, since Giorgetti reminded the fashion crowd on pilgrimage to an industrial site in the suburbs of Milan of what his brand has represented for 15 years: energy, youth and lightness.

All essential in these dark times, these elements contributed to the charm of the mixed media work presented by Giorgetti, inspired by his relationship with the sea.

The Rimini, Italy-born designer has infused his native country's sunny approach to life into a range rich in references from nautical stripes to motifs like sails, crabs and dolphins appearing as prints or on jacquard knits. These were seen in both the spring 2025 men's and women's resort lines, with the former revealing a sportier vibe and the latter refreshingly dusting down the look. MSGM the girly ways of yesteryear.

The color palette amplified the impact, as primary colors were joined by shades of blue and MSGM's signature acid hues. Even when opting for darker tones and more mature silhouettes like in the realm of tailoring, Giorgetti embraces a relaxed attitude in proportions and a touch of eccentricity with embroidery or wavy panels in vibrant colors.

English artist Luke Edward Hall's sailor illustrations provide a lovely arty touch that blends in with the theme and stands out on bowling shirts for him and a knitted cardigan worn over a ruffled skirt for her. This collaboration was in addition to the artistic performance staged on the podium, where buckets of colored paint were projected almost too violently on the Plexiglas walls facing the guests.

The choice could have fallen half into homage territory reminiscent of MSGM's first presentation to Riccardo Grassi in 2009 and half into a wake-up call that Giorgetti wanted to give. As he showed the engravings from the collection depicting his Ligurian retreat The watchman [which means lookout in Italian]he says the residence offers him a privileged vantage point.

I don't want to get too involved in politics and everything that's going on right now, but [La Vedetta] becomes a personal symbol of the moment in which we live: a place offering a new perspective and from which to seek a new horizon, Giorgetti said.

The children of MSGM have grown up but they are still 15 years old, they are still teenagers. There is still much to do, he concluded.

For more Milan Fashion Week reviews, click here.

Launch gallery: Resort Collection for Men and Women MSGM Spring 2025

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