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Paris Fashion Week brings new layer of chaos as Valentino, Givenchy and other fashion houses abandon the season | Fashion trends

Paris Fashion Week brings new layer of chaos as Valentino, Givenchy and other fashion houses abandon the season |  Fashion trends


Paris Fashion Week: Paris Fashion Week returns on Tuesday, bringing some much-needed relief to a country gripped by political chaos. Men's Week runs until next Sunday, followed immediately by the haute couture shows until June 27. (Also read | Milan Fashion Week: Moschino shakes up fashion codes, Dsquared2 raises the temperature with risky looks and male dancers)

Paris Fashion Week: Several major brands will present collections, including Dior, Jacquemus, Hermes and Balenciaga, during fashion week.  (AFP)
Paris Fashion Week: Several major brands will present collections, including Dior, Jacquemus, Hermes and Balenciaga, during fashion week. (AFP)

France has been in turmoil since President Emmanuel Macron called a surprise legislative election after a far-right surge in European polls.

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But for fashionistas, the biggest problem could be getting around Paris, which is also finalizing preparations to host next month's Olympics, with traffic jams increasing tenfold due to road and venue closures.

The Olympics brought forward men's fashion and couture weeks from July (women's fashion takes place in September).

With fashion already working at a breakneck pace, this has forced some houses to abandon this season, notably Olivier Rousteing's Balmain, which told AFP it had pulled out at the last minute.

Valentino and Givenchy will also not participate in this week's shows.

As for the big names appearing, hip-hop mogul Pharrell Williams will continue his high-profile leadership at Louis Vuitton, marking a year since his first ultra-lavish show when he took over the Pont Neuf and painted its cobblestones Golden. .

But the highlight will be a mega-party hosted by Vogue on Sunday bringing together the doubly lucrative worlds of sport and fashion.

This is the third edition of Vogue World – a sort of traveling Met Gala that has already seen events in New York and London – and comes as the brand seeks new ways to stay relevant in a world of sales. magazines down.

Several major brands will present collections, including Dior, Jacquemus, Hermès and Balenciaga, each associated with an Olympic discipline ranging from athletics to breakdancing.

Chanel Shock

There have been big movements at the top of the fashion houses.

The biggest shock was last week's announcement that Chanel had fired Virginie Viard, who worked for 20 years alongside her predecessor Karl Lagerfeld and took over after his death in 2019.

It appears the split was far from amicable, as Viard will not be present at Chanel's couture show on June 25, despite overseeing the brand's record sales last year.

“It will be a studio collection and Virginie Viard will not be present,” a Chanel spokesperson told AFP.

The end of the Lagerfeld era sparked fashionistas' favorite pastime: speculating about who's next.

Among the names circulating: Frenchwoman Marine Serre, Hedi Slimane of Céline, Pierpaolo Piccioli (who recently left Valentino) and Simon Porte Jacquemus, whose eponymous brand is one of the great independent successes of recent years.

While Valentino awaits the debut of its new creative director Alessandro Michele (formerly of Gucci), Givenchy is still looking for a lead designer since the departure of Matthew Williams last year.

This week will also see Belgian designer Dries Van Noten's final show on Saturday.

Although he's not a household name, the 66-year-old has become a favorite among big fashion fans for his fashion-forward styles and expert tailoring.




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