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Embrace your inner Parisian with French-inspired fashion finds

Embrace your inner Parisian with French-inspired fashion finds


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The French are some of the most fashionable people in the world. It's only natural to want to emulate their effortlessly chic styles. . . and it's actually quite simple! Well-made, easy-to-wear basics are the cornerstone of the aesthetic: think romantic blouses, tailored pants, ballet flats, slip dresses and shoulder bags. When you have each item, you will be able to create very chic outfits! Keep reading to unleash your inner Parisian and become the most fashionable person in every room.

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1. Romantic Blouse: 99% of French women wear blouses that are both professional and romantic every day, and you will feel perfect in them when you wear them. this Flowyair model.

2. Delicate details: Which sets this Aconiya blouse apart from the others, there are the magnificent ruffles on the chest. Talk about very chic!

3. Soft and silky: The satin fabric and button details automatically elevate this sleeveless blouse and give it an effortless French vibe.

4. Complete outfit: When you combine these Funyyzo fitted pants with one of the blouses above you will have the perfect outfit for the office or leisure brunches!

5. Wide leg for victory: The wider the pant leg, the more French the feel. You'll feel like you're walking through the streets of Paris every time you wear these Banana Republic Factory parachute chino pants.

6. Bestseller alert! This The Tapered Essential pants are one of J.Crew's best-sellers! Imagine yourself walking around Cannes wearing them, you will be the picture of grace.

7. The most comfortable of all: You won't have to worry about blisters when you have them these Amazon Essentials ballerinas. Over 74,000 buyers say they instantly conform to your feet for the perfect fit.

8. Super trendy: Of course the French wear ballerinas! Add a modern twist to the classic silhouette by opting for this knit pick from Jeffrey Campbell.

9. 2-in-1: Mary Jane ballerinas? It doesn't get much more French than that!

10. Keep it simple: The key to success in French fashion? Keep it simple. While this slip dress has no bells and whistles, wearing it will help you exude that enviable French confidence!

11. A little lace: The lace bodice this Open Edit slip dress adds a touch of personality to an otherwise simple dress.

12. Polka Dot Princess: I guarantee you will receive endless compliments in this French-inspired polka dot sun dress!

13. Affordable Choice: You don't need to wear a designer shoulder bag to emulate a French aesthetic. In reality, you only need to spend $16 for this pretty sturdy handbag!

14. Designer option! We can't get enough Marc Jacobs new Clover shoulder bag. If you want to splurge, this is the handbag to drop the money on.

15. Vibrant Color: Make your shoulder bag the finishing touch to your outfit! I like to add a pop of color with this Kate Spade Gingham bag!

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