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Episode 2 of season 4

Episode 2 of season 4


Fashion Reverie talks about the logo

Fashion Reverie talks about the logo

Fashion Reverie Talks co-host Cicily Daniels interviews shoe designer Ruthie Davis

Fashion Reverie Talks co-host Cicily Daniels interviews shoe designer Ruthie Davis

Shoe designer Ruthie Davis joins as special guest

I've always been into marketing and design because I love the intersection of those two things. I'm not a designer sitting on a river drawing a beautiful shoe and saying: isn't this amazing?

-Ruthie Davis

NEW YORK, NY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, June 14, 2024 / — With Season 4 of the fashion video podcast Fashion Reverie Talks in full swing, shoe designer Ruthie Davis makes her notable debut on a bi-weekly video podcast where she shares her insights not only about her eponymous business, where she designs some of the most coveted shoes in the American footwear market, but also about the current state of the design industry as a whole. Davis is not afraid to mince his words and his matter-of-fact, honest style of answering every question thrown his way, which has become somewhat of a trademark, is on full display throughout this in-depth interview.

Davis is proud to be the only female designer of sexy shoes on the market and has enjoyed a career that has not only spanned decades, but has actually thrived in a business climate where so many of her contemporaries have not. managed to remain solvent.

[At my jobs] I've always worked in marketing and design because I love the intersection of those two things, says Ruthie Davis. I'm not a designer sitting on a river drawing a beautiful shoe and saying: isn't this amazing? She continues, I'm more of a product problem solver. I wonder what the trends are, what looks cool, what is she wearing, how can I solve this problem, and then I put it together.

Davis is interviewed in the Season 4, Episode 2 video podcast by actress Cicily Daniels, who is joined each week by her Fashion Reverie Talks co-host, pop style expert Tijana Ibrahimovic. The two co-hosts banter, sharing the weeks most talked about fashion news and offering their own perspectives on each other's stories in a style that seems familiar and friendly, but seriously inside at the same time.

To watch the Fashion Reverie Talks, Season 4, episode 2, click here.

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In Fashion Reverie Talks, Season 4, Episode 3, designer Evan Hirsch joins the conversation and shares his story of becoming the darling of TikTok with his transformative fashion ensembles that shocked more than a few viewers.

About Fashion Reverie:
Fashion Reverie was founded in 2012 by renowned style expert William S. Gooch. Since its inception, Fashion Reverie has prided itself on providing content that seeks to take the reader from the front rows to the front rows of fashion. Gooch set out to provide an insider's perspective on the fashion industry through daily content focused on everything happening in the fashion industry. From in-depth reporting to stunning original editorials, plus runway news and reviews, Fashion Reverie delivers the full story of today's most relevant brands, trends and events.

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Fashion Reverie Talks: Season 4, Episode 2 with Shoe Designer Ruthie Davis




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