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Top Fashion Stories of the week: June 14

Top Fashion Stories of the week: June 14


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This week's biggest fashion headlines were about auction houses, runway shows, big-name collaborations and unruly thefts.

Topping the list, Pharrell's JOOPITER has announced that its upcoming auction will feature 29 unique pieces from Jackson Wang's extensive archives. Meanwhile, Marc Jacobs reunited with Stephen Sprouse, 24 years after their historic collaboration with Louis Vuitton; and Jacquemus put on a picturesque 15th anniversary show in Capri.

Elsewhere, thieves stole more than 6 million euros from the Chanel boutique on Avenue Montaigne; KidSuper announced that its upcoming Paris Fashion Week show would also be a Cirque du Soleil performance, and JW Anderson revealed its first-ever eyewear line.

Below, Hypebeast has rounded up the top fashion news stories of the week so you can stay on top of industry trends.

JOOPITER by Pharrell announces Jackson WangMetamorphosisAuction

Pharrell's upcoming JOOPITER auction will feature 29 pieces from Jackson Wang's personal archives. Title Jackson Wang Metamorphosis: Athlete Musician Designerthe sale will feature all kinds of unique items, including stage pieces and old fencing uniforms of the artists.

Standout pieces include costumes and accessories from Wang'smagic mantour, which includes custom Louis Vuitton designs and headphones on stage, as well as “Team Wang” clothing, like velvet jackets and diamond rings. Wang's deep-pocketed fans can also try their luck at a behind-the-scenes look at her upcoming music video shoot.

I am so grateful to be able to share the highlights and important chapters of my first 30 years on earth, from sports to music to fashion,” said Jackson Wang. All of these are very meaningful to me. They may look very different, but they all represent the same state of mind. For me, the only difference between these chapters of my life would be the skill set, what remains the same is the focus on creation.

The auction is scheduled to run from June 17 to 24 and estimated bids range from US$600 to US$15,000. Learn more here.

Marc Jacobs reunites with artist Stephen Sprouse for 40th anniversary tote bag

While creative director of Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs tapped New York artist Stephen Sprouse for what would become a historic accessories collaboration. In 2000, Jacobs, who first discovered the colorful works of graffiti artists in 1984 while studying at Parsons School of Design, asked Sprouse to cover the iconic trunks of French luxury houses in his logomanic prints. The results became some of the most sought after leather items in the early days.

Now, 24 years later, Jacobs has reunited with the artist for a new 40th anniversary bag collaboration under his namesake brand.

The honorary team salutes the lifelong work of Sprouse, who died in 2004. In partnership with the late artist, Jacobs planted Sprouse's classic graffiti text on his brand's iconic tote bag. Bright green lettering spells out a Sprouse quote: Grant me the serenity to relax.

Jacquemus organized his 15th anniversary show in Capri

Private boats carried famous passengers, including Dua Lipa, Gwyneth Paltrow and Manu Rios, across the deep blue waters surrounding Capri, the Italian island where Jacquemus chose to stage his 15th anniversary fashion show on Monday for the fall/winter 2024. Their destination was Casa Malaparte, the villa designed by the Italian rationalist architect Adalberto Libera for the writer Curzio Malaparte in the 1930s and the Jacquemus brand's sartorial diving board in 2009.

I decided to create my brand after watching Le Mpris by Jean-Luc Godard, inspired by the beauty and modernity of his vision, wrote designer Simon Porte Jacquemus on Instagram. Among many locations, the 1963 film was filmed at the Malapartes, on the 104-foot-high rocky outcrop of Punta Masullo. Today, I feel honored to be able to present our next show at Casa Malaparte.

As the crow flies, the honorary line offered a mix of Simons fan-favorite design signatures, Jacquemus-isms, some would call them. But overall, the show wasn't just about the clothes themselves; it was an intimate celebration of a brand that, in its first decade and a half of its existence, has captivated eyes, formed mood boards and opened the wallets of millions with its expertise in building the world, its cutting-edge marketing strategies and its pure design. skill.

See the full collection here.

Thieves stole more than 6 million euros worth of goods from the Chanel boutique on Avenue Montaigne

Monday morning around 5:15 a.m. in Paris, the Chanel boutique on avenue Montaigne was robbed with luxury products estimated at between 6 and 10 million euros, according toWWD.

Four individuals allegedly drove a car directly in front of the store, breaking windows to force entry. After acquiring the high-value branded items, the suspects then set the vehicle on fire and fled in a second car. The individuals used a first vehicle to enter the establishment by breaking the window before fleeing in a second vehicle, taking goods from the store, according to an AFP police source.

We confirm that a car accident took place in the Chanel boutique, located 42 avenue Montaigne inParison the night of June 9 to 10, 2024. Fortunately, no employees were injured, said a Chanel spokesperson.WWD. A police investigation has been launched and we are working closely with the police to assist them with their investigations.

KidSuper Spring 2025 Show Will Be a Cirque du Soleil Show

The KidSupersSpring 2025 show is going to be a circus.

On Thursday, designer Colm Dillane announced that his artistic fashion brand has partnered with the famous Cirque du Soleil for its upcoming Paris Fashion Week show, which will take place at the Trianon Theater on June 22 at 6 p.m. This first-of-its-kind collaboration will combine a fashion show with performances by Cirque du Soleil, aiming to expand on the String Theory concept introduced by Dillane last season.

Colm's ability to push creativity and expression is in perfect synergy with the Cirque du Soleil brand, Melanie Summers, Cirque du Soleil's head of licensing, said in a statement. Mark your calendars for June 22 at 6 p.m. CET to catch all the theater performances KidSuper and Cirque du Soleil have planned this season.

JW Anderson launched its glasses

Ahead of its Spring 2025 menswear show in Milan later this month, JW Anderson presented its first-ever eyewear line: a four-piece range of sunglasses inspired by the imprints founded by Jonathan Anderson, Key Signifiers.

Made with premium Mazzuchelli acetate from Italy, each unisex style is available in one size and in a range of colourways. Across the range, Zeiss lenses from Germany offer high quality vision in a number of tonal finishes, as part of the range's attempt to merge Anderson's bold contemporary design with functionality.

JW Andersons' first eyewear collection now available in storeonline and in-store, with prices ranging from $275 USD to $355 USD. See the full collection here.




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