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Ten c unveils its S/S 2025 collection at Milan Fashion Week Military inspiration meets contemporary elegance

Ten c unveils its S/S 2025 collection at Milan Fashion Week Military inspiration meets contemporary elegance


Milan Fashion Week has always been a platform for designers to showcase their creativity and push the boundaries of fashion. This year, Ten c, the famous Italian brand known for its logo-free luxury outerwear, has once again captivated the fashion world with its S/S 2025 collection. Under the direction of designer Alessandro Pungetti, the collection harmoniously combines military inspiration and contemporary elegance, giving rise to clothing that is both functional and sophisticated.

Uniform inspiration

Taking inspiration from military uniforms, Pungetti created a collection that pays homage to the durability and practicality of military clothing while infusing it with a modern, urban aesthetic. The reinterpretation of the iconic Aviator Flight Suit encapsulates this concept, combining the functional features of aviator uniforms with everyday wearability. The addition of aluminum zippers adds a touch of modernity and practicality, in line with current fashion trends.

Innovative materials

Ten c continues to push the boundaries of textile innovation with cutting-edge materials in this collection. Tonal water-repellent resin-coated linen and metallic-effect piece-dyed nylon gabardine offer a technical touch without compromising style. These new fabrics integrate seamlessly with Ten c classics, such as OJJ, Tactel Nylon and three-layer heat-sealed cotton/nylon, creating a diverse range of textures and finishes.

Careful finishes and unique treatments

The S/S 2025 collection showcases Ten cs' commitment to meticulous attention to detail and unique treatments. Special processes such as Natural Wax and Natural Old Dyed on OJJ give each piece a distinct character and worn look, adding depth and personality. The denim jacket, fly jacket, woodland jacket, anorak and dress jacket best express the versatility of these processes. The Shadow Dyed Spray treatment, applied to different materials, ensures more color nuances and individuality thanks to a trompe-l'oeil effect, making each garment truly unique. This attention to detail extends to T-shirts, bottom-ups and sweatshirts, fully embodying the spirit of the brand.

Color pallet

The color palette of the S/S 2025 collection remains true to the Ten cs essence, with shades ranging from rich chocolate brown to classic khaki, deep navy blue and elegant asphalt gray. Neutral tones, such as glacier white, provide a fresh contrast, while touches of aquamarine/blue, achieved through mineral dyes, add dynamism to the collection.

The color palette of the S/S 2025 collection stays true to the essence of Ten c, with shades ranging from rich chocolate brown to classic khaki, deep navy blue and elegant asphalt gray. Neutral tones, like glacier white, provide a fresh contrast, while touches of aquamarine/blue, achieved through mineral dyes, add a vibrant touch to the collection.

The Ten cs S/S 2025 collection demonstrates the brand's ability to blend military inspiration and contemporary elegance, creating clothing that is both functional and fashionable. Using innovative materials, meticulous finishes and unique treatments, Alessandro Pungetti has created a collection that is sure to please fashion enthusiasts around the world. As Ten c continues to expand its presence in select stores and at multi-brand retailers around the world, it's clear that the brand's commitment to logo-free luxury and impeccable craftsmanship remains. avant-garde of its design philosophy.




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