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Kate Middleton tweaks her coronation event dress to show off color

Kate Middleton tweaks her coronation event dress to show off color


Kate Middleton Appears to Repurpose White Jenny Packham Dress to Flaunt Color

Catherine, Princess of Wales Toby Melville – WPA Swimming Pool/Getty Images; Toby Melville – Swimming Pool/Getty Images; JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP via Getty Images

Princess Kate Middleton appeared to re-wear a previous favorite dress from Trooping the Color.

Kate, 42, attended the annual birthday parade in a long-sleeved white Jenny Packham dress with fine black piping at the waist and neck and an oversized bow on her lapel. The Princess of Wales added a white Philip Treacy headdress, pearl earrings, white pumps and a black clutch to complete the look. Kate also wore her Irish Guards regimental pin, which is a nod to her ceremonial role as the unit's colonel-in-chief. (The Irish Guards were among the British troops taking part in the parade.)

Eagle-eyed royal observers underlines that Kate's Jenny Packham dress looked like it had been recycled. The princess wore a similar structured white dress from the brand in May 2023 during one of King Charles IIIthe coronation events. At the time, the dress featured thin black piping around the neckline and a thicker black belt at the waist.

Kate, known for repurposing wardrobe items, attended Trooping the Color with her husband, Prince William. They brought their three children: Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 5. While William, 41, opted for his ceremonial military uniform, George, Charlotte and Louis twinning in navy blue outfits.

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Kate Middleton is a queen of outfit recycling… er, well, duchess! The 38-year-old mom of three won't necessarily wear the same sweatpants three days in a row like Us, but she's not afraid to re-wear her fashion favorites on special occasions. Take one of her must-haves, for example: her blue Alexander McQueen coat that has made several appearances over the past few years. […]

Saturday also marked Kate's first public appearance since undergoing treatment for an undisclosed form of cancer. Kate, who confirmed her diagnosis in March, also spoke to her father-in-law Charles, 75, on the balcony of Buckingham Palace as William and their children intently watched the military parade.

Kate and Charles, 75, became friends through their respective battles with cancer – the royal confirmed his illness in February – and she was delighted to attend the Trooping the Color festivities.

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Related: Kate Middleton's best outfits over the years

A force in fashion! Ever since second Princess Kate walked the University of St Andrews catwalk in 2002 and stole Prince William's heart, it was clear she would be a true style icon. Although the sheer black dress will always be one of her most iconic outfits, the royal has become a very popular outfit. […]

“I'm looking forward to attending the King's Birthday Parade this weekend with my family and hope to take part in some public engagements over the summer, but also knowing that I'm not out of the wood,” Kate said on Friday, June 14. , statement. “I am learning to be patient, especially in the face of uncertainty. »

She continued: “I'm making good progress, but as anyone who goes through chemotherapy knows, there are good days and bad days. »




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