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MSGM spring/summer 2025 at Milan Fashion Week

MSGM spring/summer 2025 at Milan Fashion Week


MSGM has never lost sight of its youth, and today's show proved it. Massimo Giorgetti's flamboyant rules rewrote the second day of Milan Fashion Week with exhilarating confidence, making Spring/Summer 2025 a blank canvas for him to play with.

The designer welcomed the fashion stars to the Milan suburbs, holding the show in a vacant building covered in graffiti and lined with painted storefronts as guests arrived. At the start of the collection, the artists behind the screens threw blue, green, yellow and pink paintballs, mimicking SS25's bold palette in real time. The buzz of bees and the sound of waves crashed through the range of mixed looks reshaped by Giorgetti's concept of modern Italian living, which plunged into the ocean like makeshift sailor caps delivered as invitations to a show.

The first model walked the runway wearing a bright red paper hat, complemented by a loose suit and a striped button-down shirt that peaked through the open neckline. Abstract florals jumped from look to look with contrasting summer-ready prints, accompanied by matching bucket hats and woven tote bags. Patent leather trench coats shone in the spotlight, followed by knit tops and tees with illustrative geometry and lively sea animals. Beach boys headed to the open waters with sketched button-down shirts, transitioning to formal outfits with deconstructed panels saturated with uneven, illusion-based stripes. MSGM debuted its first New Balance collaboration on the runway, sending models down the aisles in low-top sneakers accented with vibrant laces.

Take a closer look at MSGM's SS25 collection in the gallery above, and stay tuned for more Milan Fashion Week content on Hypebeast.




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