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Fendi Spring 2025 men's shoe offering includes slip-on flats and loafers – Footwear News

Fendi Spring 2025 men's shoe offering includes slip-on flats and loafers – Footwear News


Set to celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2025, Silvia Venturini Fendi decided to create a new crest inspired by the squirrel emblem that her grandmother used for packaging and the first Fendi store.

In addition to the squirrel, the artistic director of accessories and men's clothing for the Italian luxury brand had the idea of ​​adding other icons of the house over the years, such as the Pequin stripe, the FF logo and Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and endings, to create his new crest – which served as a preppy centerpiece, proudly displayed as a fantasy crest on the chest pockets and buttons.

Indeed, the collection had a preppy undertone, exploring the notion of uniforms for work and play and deconstructing them in a playful color palette of sherbet, ivory, caramel, buttermilk, soft blues, natural indigo, black and forest green .

Fendi also incorporated the Selleria stitch throughout the collection, a technique passed down to the Fendi family from master Roman saddlers in 1925. Enlarged and reduced, it is reinterpreted as a broken pinstripe jacquard and threaded as a pinstripe or FF logo tone-on-tone through linen and plush textures, surface-applied on Japanese boro denim, or reduced to a minimalist framework on crisp wool outerwear and leather goods.

When it comes to this season's shoe lineup, a new slip-on flat takes center stage. The model, made in patent leather or embroidered with waxed thread, appeared on Saturday on the majority of the 57 looks in the collection in a wide range of colors.

Fendi, spring 2025, men, Fendi men, Milan Fashion Week, Milan Fashion Week Men, shoes, sneakers, loafers, slip-ons, mules

There was also a new moccasin this season. Described in the show notes as a molded lug-sole loafer, the silhouette is reminiscent of similar sneaker-moccasin hybrids seen on recent runways. It was presented in a black color and a white color.

This season's new sneaker has also appeared. Called the Fendi Force sneaker, the shoe features whipstitch details that adorn contrasting panels on the upper.

Additionally, the season's Selleria pattern makes another appearance in the collection's bags. From the Peekaboo ISeeU Soft bag to soft diagonal totes, including the new Baguette Double zipped shoulder bag, including a Baguette patchwork made from multi-colored scraps from the Fendi workshops.

Fendi, spring 2025, men, Fendi men, Milan Fashion Week, Milan Fashion Week Men, shoes, sneakers, loafers, slip-ons, mules
Fendi, spring 2025, men, Fendi men, Milan Fashion Week, Milan Fashion Week Men, shoes, sneakers, loafers, slip-ons, mules




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