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Kate's masterclass for turning an old dress into a statement piece! ALICE HARE gives The Firm her fashion verdict

Kate's masterclass for turning an old dress into a statement piece!  ALICE HARE gives The Firm her fashion verdict


Making your first public appearance in six months is naturally a reason to call on the fashion big guns.

For the Princess of Wales at Trooping the Color yesterday, it was one of her favorite milliners, Philip Treacy, as well as Jenny Packham, a designer she has used dozens of times for some of her occasions most important royals.

The monochrome look, complete with Jimmy Choo heels (650), Mulberry clutch (495) and Cassandra Goad pearl earrings (5,620), was not only an elegant homage to local British brands, but a masterclass in sustainable fashion.

Kate's dress is a reworked version of the dress she wore to a coronation lunch at Buckingham Palace last year. (She also has the same dress in navy and black). The belt has been modified and a trendy bow has been added to the neckline.

This isn't Kate's first foray into recycling for last year's Baftas, she modified an Alexander McQueen dress she previously wore in 2019.

Kate's monochrome look was completed with Jimmy Choo heels (650), a Mulberry clutch (495) and Cassandra Goad pearl earrings (5,620).

Kate's monochrome look was completed with Jimmy Choo heels (650), a Mulberry clutch (495) and Cassandra Goad pearl earrings (5,620).

Kate's dress is a reworked version of the dress she wore to a coronation lunch at Buckingham Palace last year (pictured)

Kate meets well-wishers during a walkabout in the shopping center outside Buckingham Palace ahead of the coronation

Kate's dress is a reworked version of the dress she wore to a coronation lunch at Buckingham Palace last year (pictured left). Pictured right, Kate meets well-wishers during a walkabout in the shopping center outside Buckingham Palace ahead of the coronation.

Besides reshuffling, rewearing was the order of the day.

Kate's earrings are the same ones she wore to Prince Louis' christening in 2018; she's had her Mulberry clutch for over a decade; and this is the ninth release of his Jimmy Choo heels.

But even so, the look seemed anything but “seen this before.”

It sure helps to have a new Philip Treacy hat, but it's the clever addition of the bow and modified belt that are largely responsible for transforming a seemingly professional pencil dress into a statement piece. occasion.

An Irish Guards regimental pin provided a fitting military note recognizing Kate's role as colonel of the regiment.

The fashion triumph follows the announcement last week that Kate's long-time stylist Natasha Archer has been promoted to senior private executive assistant to the Prince and Princess of Wales. Talk about succeeding on your first mission.

For the Princess of Wales yesterday at Trooping the Color, it was one of her favorite milliners, Philip Treacy, as well as Jenny Packham, a designer she has used dozens of times for some of her occasions most important royals.

For the Princess of Wales yesterday at Trooping the Color, it was one of her favorite milliners, Philip Treacy, as well as Jenny Packham, a designer she has used dozens of times for some of her occasions most important royals.

Kate's earrings are the same ones she wore to Prince Louis' christening in 2018;  she's had her Mulberry clutch for over a decade;  and this is the ninth release of his Jimmy Choo heels

Kate's earrings are the same ones she wore to Prince Louis' christening in 2018; she's had her Mulberry clutch for over a decade; and this is the ninth release of his Jimmy Choo heels

The Duchess of Edinburgh (right) wore a pale yellow dress by Beulah London (750), a brand favored by royals across Europe, with a matching Jane Taylor hat (1,625).

The Duchess of Edinburgh (right) wore a pale yellow dress by Beulah London (750), a brand favored by royals across Europe, with a matching Jane Taylor hat (1,625).

Even Queen Camilla has worn it while her Philip Treacy hat is new, her mint green silk crepe coat and dress, by designer Anna Valentine, is the same look she wore to Ascot last year.

Even Queen Camilla has worn it while her Philip Treacy hat is new, her mint green silk crepe coat and dress, by designer Anna Valentine, is the same look she wore to Ascot last year.

Her daughter Lady Louise, like Kate, has embraced sustainable fashion practices by donning the same Suzannah London dress (1,290) she wore to the coronation last year and borrowing the custom Jane Taylor hat that his mother wore at Ascot last year.

Her daughter Lady Louise, like Kate, has embraced sustainable fashion practices by donning the same Suzannah London dress (1,290) she wore to the coronation last year and borrowing the custom Jane Taylor hat that his mother wore at Ascot last year.

Other members of the royal family also took the opportunity to showcase the best of British fashion. The Duchess of Edinburgh wore a pale yellow dress by Beulah London (750), a brand favored by royals across Europe, with a matching Jane Taylor hat (1625).

Her daughter Lady Louise, like Kate, has embraced sustainable fashion practices by donning the same Suzannah London dress (1,290) she wore to the coronation last year and borrowing the custom Jane Taylor hat that his mother wore at Ascot last year.

Even Queen Camilla has worn it while her Philip Treacy hat is new, her mint green silk crepe coat and dress, by designer Anna Valentine, is the same look she wore to Ascot last year. She also wore the Queen's Grenadier Guards brooch, in a nod to her role as Colonel-in-Chief.

One thing is certain. Even the rain can't stop this (fashion) show.




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