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Review of Prada spring 2025 shows, fashion shows and men's ready-to-wear collections

Review of Prada spring 2025 shows, fashion shows and men's ready-to-wear collections


“We wanted to do something that would express the optimism of youth,” said Miuccia Prada after a spirited and topical Prada men's show that featured some of the shrunken silhouettes, brave colors and style that heated Miu Miu until boiling point.

Prada said she and Raf Simons, her co-creative director, worked instinctively this season and “put things together in a very simplistic, very naive way.”

“Sometimes when you get older you start to overthink and limit yourself,” Simons mused during the backstage melee. “How fresh is the spirit of youth. When you’re young, you go – and we love that spirit.

Designers selected items from mom, dad and maybe grandma and grandpa — much like Prada did with its blockbuster Miu Miu Fall 2024 womenswear show in Paris in March last – as well as memories and fantasies, creating a zesty wardrobe for ravers. and rockers.

Guests arriving at the Fondazione Prada's vast exhibition space were met with a small white house protruding from one wall, strobe lights and techno pulses escaping from the windows and a slightly ajar door. When the lights came on, the models spread out and walked across a winding, sloping runway surrounded in part by a rickety white picket fence.

The collars of their shirts stuck out crookedly, thanks to threads sewn inside the seams, or the hems were wrinkled around the midriff, leaving a slice of midriff exposed.

It must have been quite a house party.

Stunning leather raincoats, utility jackets and wool sweaters were all presented in reduced proportions, with some outerwear sporting the abbreviated sleeves down to the bracelet that have been Milan's odd trend.

The sweaters were killer, mostly crew necks or high v-necks wearing trompe l'oeil polo necks in striking color combinations. They were discreetly branded, with the Prada triangle depicted as a ghostly void at the top of the spine.

Trompe l'oeil also plays out in the fabrics—light cotton masquerading as wool herringbones for cool, slightly flared pants—and in the shoes, which include retro sneakers, worn brogues, and loafers with pompoms interpreted as tap dances.

Similar thinking gave rise to typical concert T-shirts displaying paintings by Bernard Buffet instead of LCD Soundsystem or Enhypen.

Prada and Simons titled the collection “Closer” because clothes often give a different perception when viewed up close.

Simons mentioned superheroes backstage and didn't elaborate, but the quirky jumpsuits streaked with large, colorful zippers and shield-shaped mirrored sunglasses made people think of local hero “Kick- Ass” – a story of youthful optimism if ever there was one. A.

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