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Bed Judd's red dress: Model reveals what happened to the 2004 Brownlow Medal dress

Bed Judd's red dress: Model reveals what happened to the 2004 Brownlow Medal dress


Twenty years ago, Rebecca Judd came out on the Brownlow Medal Red carpet in a superb red dress and since then, she career was a lightning success.

At the time, the Australian model, then Rebecca Twigley, was not very well known but that would soon change, thanks in large part to a backless red Tarvydas dress.

In a new interview, she revealed that she hasn't seen the dress since that night in 2004.

“The dress was donated to charity, which was auctioned off and I haven’t seen it since that night,” she says. Zenn Design

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The red dress that helped make Rebecca Judd – born Rebecca Twigley – a household name in Australia. (Getty)

The night she wore the dress, Bec accompanied her then-boyfriend, AFL star Chris Judd, to the 2004 graduation ceremony. Brownlow Medal presentation.

Although he won the biggest prize of the night, most of the attention was on Rebecca and her headline-grabbing dress.

Similar in design to Jennifer Lopez's famous green Versace dressit featured a plunging neckline that reached just below her navel, revealing a sparkling navel ring.

This bold fashion move got Australia talking and established the model as one to watch in the fashion scene.

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Rebecca Judd ahead of the 2023 Caulfield Cup
Since the famous fashion statement, Rebecca's career has been a meteoric success. (Instagram/Bec Judd)

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This also saw Rebecca receive a number of offers from Australian television networks and launch her career as a beloved media personality.

“I really didn’t think it would get this much attention, but I was stalked on the red carpet,” she once said.

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In his new interview with Zenn Designshe added, “Definitely a while! I can't believe it's been so long!”

Even though she hasn't had the dress in her possession since the defining moment of her career, Bec's career has gone from strength to strength.

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Chris and Bec Judd
Outside of her work, Rebecca has since married Chris and welcomed four children. (Instagram)

She has held television and radio presenter positions on various Australian networks, launched a fashion and lifestyle blog, joined several brands as a brand ambassador, became a co-founder of the famous Australian brand of Jaggad sportswear and wrote a book.

Outside of the spotlight, she has also worked as a speech therapist.

Career aside, Bec has since married Chris and welcomed four children Oscar, Billie, Tom and Darcy.

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