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Reese Witherspoon Keeps Wearing Puff Sleeves, Checks Out the Trend Starting at $16

Reese Witherspoon Keeps Wearing Puff Sleeves, Checks Out the Trend Starting at $16


Reese Witherspoon: Did we get it?!

Well, we certainly did: earlier this week, the Blonde's Revenge The actress asked the question in her Instagram caption after sharing a video with her 24-year-old daughter Ava Phillippe. In the duo's hilarious clips, we clocked a beige blouse with cute puffy sleeves.

But actually, it's not that out of line for the star: This shirt is so similar to her $228 Den style from last fall, it might even be the same top. She also wore a puff-sleeved dress to celebrate her niece's high school graduation and had also covered her shoulders with the stylish detail the year before.

There are plenty of reasons why you shouldn't pass up puff sleeves: The voluminous design makes the whole look softer, especially when paired with something simple like jeans. They also don't sweat like long sleeves, but your shoulders won't be directly hit by the sun.

Reese Witherspoon-Inspired Puff Sleeve Shirts and Dresses

Dokotoo puff sleeve shirt


The Dokotoo puff sleeve shirt is stretchy, wrinkle-resistant and does not tie, all ideal qualities for comfortable outfits when traveling. The hem is also longer, rather than cropped, and the keyhole in the back will shine when your hair is pulled up over your neck. Wear it with white jeans, another style worn by Witherspoon, for a festive Fourth of July look.

Prettygarden Puff Sleeve Smocked Tiered Ruffle Midi


Has the floral dress trend officially taken off since you saw Witherspoon, Mindy Kaling, Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Lopez wearing them? This tiered dress, cinched at the waist then flared, has a green and blue print coded by palm trees and would make any activity feel like you're heading to a tropical vacation. It also has a square neckline and stretchy smocking, which in my experience works well for fuller busts.

Aokosor V-Neck Puff Sleeve T-Shirt


For a whiff and a little spice, get this $16 option. The sleeves are sheer for a unique optical illusion and feature a polka dot pattern for added pop. Fully patterned styles are also available, such as animal print, groovesAnd flowers.

Keep scrolling to shop more Reese Witherspoon-inspired puff sleeve styles now.

Zesica Ruffled Puff Sleeve Midi Dress


Xieerduo V-Neck Puff Sleeve Top


Saodimallsu Puff Sleeve Pointelle Knit Sweater Top


Merokeety Tiered Lace Smocked Midi Dress





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