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Redefining luxury through Italian craftsmanship

Redefining luxury through Italian craftsmanship


As FENDIThe centenary year is approaching, the iconic Italian fashion house unveils its Men's Spring/Summer 2025 Collection, a compelling tribute to the brand's heritage and craftsmanship. Under the artistic direction of Silvia Venturini Fendi, the collection serves as a traveling time capsule, blending decades of style and destinations while being firmly rooted in Italian style.

The first row of stars

The show, held at the Open Studio at Super Studio Maxi in Milan, attracted an impressive line-up of global stars from film, television and music. FENDI men's ambassador and British actor Nicolas Galitzineknown for his starring roles in “The Idea of ​​You” and “Mary and George,” was front row alongside the NBA star Jonathan Kuminga of the Golden State Warriors. Other notable participants included James Turlingtonmodel and nephew of an iconic model Christy Turlingtonas well as Japanese actor and artist Ren Meguro and Chinese actor Zhang Ruoyun. The star power continued with the presence of Aaron Piper from Netflix's “Elite”, Colombian singer Manuel Turizoand multi-award winning actor and filmmaker Xavier Dolan.

A palette of gentle expressions

Masterfully deconstructing and reinventing the pillars of the FENDI wardrobe, the Spring/Summer 2025c collection activates the gentle expressions of contemporary masculinity through the prism of luxury. The color palette is a delicate assortment of powdery shades, with mineral tones of sherbet, haze, ivory, caramel and buttermilk, accented by soft blues, natural indigo, black and forest green .

The virtuosity of the Selleria point

The Selleria stitch, a technique passed down to the Fendi family by master Roman saddlers in 1925, occupies a central place throughout the collection. These iconic stitchings are reinterpreted as a broken pinstripe jacquard, strung as stripes or a tonal FF logo across various textures, and applied as a minimalist frame on outerwear and clothing. impeccable wool leather goods.

Deconstructed uniforms and subtle volumes

Between sport and ceremony, the notion of work and leisure uniform is deconstructed and reinvented. Subtle volumes create whispers of the past, as evidenced by a loose fabric bomber jacket, a flowing trench coat and 3-button blazers paired with loose-leg slash pants. Contoured details twist the suitability of the garments, with poplin shirt sleeves cut at the elbow, polo tabs twisted from throat to rib, and asymmetrical silk knits unbuttoned at the shoulder for airy modularity.

Layered Looks and Tone Combinations

Over pleated shorts, long patch-pocket overshirts with silk ties are layered under cropped summer jackets in tonal combinations of linen, leather, Madras check cotton and ultra-light suede. The collection features a range of sophisticated yet relaxed ensembles, perfect for the modern man seeking style and comfort.

Accessories echo the Selleria obsession

The Spring/Summer 2025 Men's Accessories collection echoes the season's obsession with Selleria stitch, with the Peekaboo ISeeU Soft bag, soft diagonal totes and the new Baguette Double zipped crossbody bag. A patchwork Baguette made from multicolored scraps from the FENDI workshops adds a unique touch to the range. Topstitched details adorn the season's contrast-paneled FENDI Force sneakers, alongside molded lug-soled loafers and slip-on flats in patent leather or embroidered with waxed thread.

Minimalist scenography and a personalized soundtrack

The fashion show, held at the Open Studio of Super Studio Maxi in Milan, features a minimalist scenography by NICO vascellarI. Six columns of mirrors follow the models' path, creating endless corridors and reflections. A custom electronic soundtrack by Vascellari in collaboration with Rocco Rampino perfectly complements the collection's airy and bright decor.

In conclusion, the FENDI Men's Spring/Summer 2025 collection is a triumphant celebration of the brand's enduring heritage and the perfection of Italian craftsmanship. As the fashion house approaches its centenary, this collection captures the philosophy and very heart of the FENDI man, rooted in tradition and innovation.




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