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Prada spring/summer 2025 at Milan Fashion Week

Prada spring/summer 2025 at Milan Fashion Week


Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons have done it again. The mother and father of fashion came together to close out another show at Milan Fashion Week, and if we do say so ourselves, it was a party.

Although each season brings its share of spectacular collections, Prada's venue always remains the same, honoring its Milan headquarters with breathtaking settings that draw guests into the unknown. For spring/summer 2025, straight-row seating was reimagined with curved benches running down the catwalk, topped with a makeshift house that exploded with techno beats.

For Spring Summer 2025, Prada and Simons did what they do best and reevaluated traditional menswear archetypes with inspiring silhouettes and a luxurious twist. Called “Closer”, the collection mixes reality and imagination, asking us to question our perception of time and the objects that define our daily lives.

The details appeared up close on the delicate men's clothing, but disappeared as they moved down the catwalk. For example, traditional button-down pants featured strong chest pleats and folded hems, while straight-leg pants were belted below the waist and replaced standard belt loops with buttons for pinning your belongings. Stripped t-shirts fluttered in motion, while others outlined the human form with overdyed segments.

Elsewhere, everyday trench coats were dramatized with underwire collars frozen in time, followed by practical zip-up trousers ready to fly away. Ultra-cropped work jackets replaced current oversized trends and allowed pockets of skin to emerge, contrasted by smooth leather hoodies and brightly colored knits with triangular cutouts that mimic the iconic logo of Prada. 18th-century painter Bernard Buffet came back to life with T-shirts homage to expressionist figures, completing the collection with zipped jumpsuits, silver-toed shoes and color-blocked versions of Prada's distinctive chunky loafers.

At the end of the show, Prada and Simons looked up through the doorway to a standing ovation from fashion fans celebrating another spectacular collection from the power duo.

Take a closer look at Prada's SS25 collection in the gallery above and stay tuned for more Milan Fashion Week content on Hypebeast.




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